Eric Ross

Eric Ross

Eric Ross (born 1948 in Pennsylvania, U.S.) is an American composer and avant-garde musician residing in New York. Ross is known as a multi-instrumentalist, performing on piano, synthesizers, guitar, and the Theremin. He is globally known as one of the leading artists of freeform music and also one of the pioneers of Theremin music.

Ross received his B.A. and M.A. from the State University of New York, and has premiered his "Concerto for Orchestra" at Lincoln Center in New York City and released his first solo album, Songs For Synthesized Soprano, in 1982. He has been performing with his own group "Eric Ross Ensemble" since the 1970s, which has featured jazz giants John Abercrombie, Larry Coryell, Andrew Cyrille, Oliver Lake, Leroy Jenkins, new music virtuosos Robert Dick, Lydia Kavina, Youseff Yancy and many others. He has also played with blues legends Champion Jack Dupree, Lonnie Brooks, Sonny Terry and Brownie McGhee.

Ross has toured throughout Europe as well as the United States. Recently, he performed at the Newport Jazz Festival, Toronto and Ottawa Jazz Festivals, Amsterdam and Holland New Music Festivals, and at the Gilmore International Keyboard Festival. With his wife Mary Ross, who specializes in video art and photography, Eric presents original multi-media concerts combining music, visual art, and dance. The New York Times has called his music, "A unique blend of classical, jazz, serial, and avante-garde."

As a teacher, Eric Ross has lectured on the Theremin, piano, guitar, and electronic music at colleges, universities and schools throughout the United States and Europe. He was Master Teacher at the First International Theremin Festival and is considered to be the foremost authority on Frederick W. Riesberg, Franz Liszt’s last pupil. Furthermore, Ross was a personal friend of inventor and "the father of synthesizer" Dr. Robert Moog, as well as the legendary virtuoso of Theremin, Clara Rockmore. Ross has even played for the inventor of theremin, Professor Leon Theremin, himself, and has also collaborated with Dr. Theremin's niece Lydia Kavina in creating "An Overture for 14 Theremins". He is one of the key figures in the electronic music world today.


*Eric Ross Ensemble

Related People and Collaborative Artists

*Leon Theremin (Inventor, Thereminist)
*Clara Rockmore (Thereminist)
*Lydia Kavina (Thereminist)
*Robert Moog (Inventor, "The Father of Synthesizer")
*AQi Fzono (Japanese techno/electronic musician, composer)
*Oliver Lake (American alto saxophone player, composer)
*Andrew Cyrille (American jazz drummer)
*Leroy Jenkins (American free jazz violinist, composer)
*John Abercrombie (guitarist)
*Larry Coryell (American jazz guitarist)
*Youseff Yancy

ee also

*List of experimental musicians

External links

* [ The Music Of Eric Ross]
* []
* []

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