University of Kaiserslautern

University of Kaiserslautern

name = University of Kaiserslautern
native_name = Technische Universität Kaiserslautern
latin_name =

motto =
established = 1970
type = Public
endowment =
staff =
faculty =
president = Helmut J. Schmidt
provost =
principal =
rector =
chancellor = Stefan Lorenz
vice_chancellor =
dean =
head_label =
head =
students =
undergrad =
postgrad =
doctoral =
city = Kaiserslautern
state = Rhineland-Palatinate
country = Germany
campus =
free_label =
free =
colors =
colours =
mascot =
nickname =
affiliations =
website =

The University of Kaiserslautern (German "Technische Universität Kaiserslautern") is a university located in Kaiserslautern, Germany. It was founded in 1970 and is organized in 10 Faculties.


The University of Kaiserslautern was founded on the 13th July, 1970. Earlier it was part of the twin University Trier / Kaiserslautern. In the winter semester 1970 / 1971 student and scientific activities started with the matriculation of 191 new students the faculties in Mathematics, Physics and Technology. In 1972 the set-up of the faculties Chemistry and Biology gave a boost to the extension of a scientifically specialized structure. At the same time the faculty of Technology was split into the faculties Mechanical Engineering and Electrotechnology, Architecture / Regional and Environmental Planning / Educational Sciences. The University of Kaiserslautern became independent after the separation from its partner University Trier in 1975. The following faculties, which were established successively, continuously strengthened the University’s scientific character: Electrotechnology (1975), later Electro and Computer Science Technology (1999), Computer Science (1975), Engineering (1975), later Mechanical and Process Engineering (1995), Architecture / Regional and Environmental Planning / Civil Engineering (1978-1979) and Social and Economic Studies (1985). The official name of the University is “Technische Universität Kaiserslautern” according to the new law on Higher Education of the Land Rhineland Palatinate which came into force on the 1st September 2003.

There are currently 9,600 students registered at the university (2006).



These are the 10 faculties in which the university is divided:

*Architecture, Regional and Environmental Planning, Civil Engineering
*Electrical and Computer Engineering
*Computer Sciences
*Mechanical and Process Engineering
*Social Sciences
*Business Studies and Economics

Research Fields

Main fields of research in the university are:
*Active substances for the future
*Ambient intelligence
*Artificial Intelligence
*Innovative lightweight construction
*Materials for micro and nanosystems (MINAS)
*Mathematics and implementation
*Optical technologies and laser-induced processes
*Mobile Radio Communication

Research Institutes & Centres

There are many research institutes and centres associated with the university:
*Centre for Nanostructure Technology and Molecular Biological Technology (Centre für Nanostrukturtechnologie und molekularbiologische Technologie) (NBC) []
*German Research Centre for Artificial Intelligence (Deutsches Forschungszentrum für Künstliche Intelligenz GmbH) (DFKI)
*Fraunhofer Institute for Experimental Software Engineering (Fraunhofer Institut für Experimentelles Software Engineering) (IESE) []
*Fraunhofer Institute for Physical Measurement (Fraunhofer Institut für Physikalische Messtechnik) (IPM)
*Fraunhofer Institute for Technical and Industrial Mathematics (Fraunhofer Institut für Techno- und Wirtschaftsmathematik) (ITWM) []
*Institute of Biotechnology and Drug Research (Institut für Biotechnologie und Wirkstoffforschung e.V.) (IBWF)
*Centre for the Analysis of Materials and Surfaces (Institut für Oberflächen- und Schichtanalytik GmbH an der TU Kaiserslautern) (IFOS)
*Research Institute for Technology and Work (Institut für Technologie und Arbeit e.V.) (ITA)
*Institute for Composite Materials (Institut für Verbundwerkstoffe GmbH) (IVW)

Location & Contact

*Students' Service Centre::Contact point for students and applicants of the University of Kaiserslautern:Hotline: 0049-(0)631-205-5252:From Monday to Friday 9.00 a.m. - 4.00 p.m.:E-mail:

*Postal Address:TU Kaiserslautern:Postfach 3049:67653 Kaiserslautern:Tel: 0631-205-0:Fax: 0631-205-3200:E-mail:

*Delivery Address:TU Kaiserslautern:Gottlieb-Daimler-Strasse:67663 Kaiserslautern

Degree Programmes

The university offers the following English-language degree programs:
*Master Mathematics International:*Technomathematics:*Mathematics:*Economathematics
* Master Computer Sciences
* Master Applied Computer Sciences
* Master Electrical & Computer Engineering
* Master Bioinformatics (in preparation)
* Master Water Technology and Sustainable Development (in preparation)
* Master Commercial Vehicles Technology (in preparation)

ports Facilities

The university has a Sports Hall in building 28 which includes facilities for badminton, gym, table tennis, etc. Running, hockey, basketball and football can be played in the accompanying sports grounds.:Website: [] (German)


* [ STEP e.V.] - a non-profit organization to support foreign exchange of the Faculty of Business Studies and Economics

Eating Places

*Main Cafeteria (Mensa):Location: University building Nr 30 (first floor):Opening Times: Main Menu I and II: Monday to Friday: 11:30 till 13:45::Freeflow-Buffet: Monday to Thursday: 11:15 till 14:00 :Weekly Menu: [] (German)

*Cafeteria Atrium:Location: University building Nr. 30 (ground floor):Daily Menu: [] (German) ::Dinner menu: [] (German):Opening Times: Dinner: Monday to Thursday: 17:30 till 18:30 (only during lectures period)::Monday to Thursday: 8:00 till 18:30 and Friday: 8:00 till 14:30 (during lectures period)::Monday to Thursday: 8:00 till 16:00 and Friday: 8:00 till 14:30 (during lecture-free period

*Bistro 36:Location: University building 36:Opening Times: Monday to Thursday: 8:30 till 14:30 and Friday: 8:30 till 13:30 (open only during lectures period)

*Pavillon 1:Location: University building 1:Opening Times: Monday to Friday: 9:00 till 14:00 (open only during lectures period)

*Pavillon 52:Location: University building 52:Opening Time: Monday to Friday: 9:00 till 13:30 (open only during lectures period)

*Fraunhofer Cafeteria:Location: Fraunhofer, Trippstadter str.:Menu: []

External links

* [ University of Kaiserslautern Website] de icon en icon
* [ International Masters Program in Electrical Engineering]

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