List of miniature wargames

List of miniature wargames

Miniature wargames are a form of wargaming designed to incorporate miniatures or figurines into play, which was invented at the beginning of the 19th century in Prussia. The miniatures used represent troops or vehicles (such as tanks, chariots, aircraft, ships, etc.). The games may reflect historical situations and armies, or may be futuristic or fantasy-based.

This list compiles published miniature wargames categorized by their subject matter, genre, or time period covered in their rules. Where known, the publisher is given (or, in a few cases, the designer(s) in the case of self-published or freely distributed games), as well as the date of first publication (many games have been published in several updated editions).


* "Age of Battles" (Zvezda, 2007) cite web|url=| title=BoardGameGeek list of miniature wargames (use search for specific title)| publisher=BoardGameGeek|accessdate=2007-11-24]
* "Age of Heroes - Biblical Era V 6" (Computer Moderated Miniature Wargame Rules) (Computer Strategies, 2007)
* "Armati" (Arty Conliffe, 1994)
* "Armati II" (Arty Conliffe, 2004)
* "The Art of War"
* "Basic Impetus" (Dadi & Piombo, 2006)
* "Centurion" (Simulations Publications, Inc., 1971)
* "Classical Hack" (LMW Works Publications, 2002)
* "Crusader" (Crusader Miniatures, 2007)
* "De Bellis Antiquitatis" (Wargames Research Group, 1990)
* "De Bellis Magistrorum Militum" (Caliver Books, 2007)
* "De Bellis Multitudinis" (Wargames Research Group, 1993)
* "Field of Glory" (Osprey Publishing, 2008)
* "Gordian Knot" (, 2007)
* "Holy Hack Hacking by the Book: Biblical Warfare" (LMW Works, 2007)
* "Homeric Hack: Warfare in the Age of Heroes" (LMW Works, 2005)
* " [ Macedon and Rome V 6 (Computer Moderated Miniature Wargame Rules)" (Computer Strategies, 2007)]
* "Legions Unleashed-Ancients" (Tactical Command Games, 1983, 1996, 2008)
* "Tactica - An Historical Approach to Ancient Wargaming" (Arty Conliffe, 1989)
* "Tony Bath Rules" (60s)
* "Vis Bellica" (Ordered Flexibility, 2002)
* "Warhammer Ancient Battles" (Games Workshop, Warhammer Historical Wargames Ltd, 1998)
* "Warmaster Ancients" (Games Workshop, Warhammer Historical Wargames Ltd, 2005)
* "Warrior

Early Middle Ages

* "The Art of War"
* "Conquerors and Kings" (Peter Pig, 1999)
* "To Me! V 6:Computer Moderated Miniature Wargames Rules" (Computer Strategies, 2007)

Middle Ages

* "The Art of War"
* "Chainmail" (Guidon Games, 1971)
* "Chivalry and Sorcery" (Fantasy Games Unlimited, 1977)
* "Crusader" (Crusader Miniatures, 2007)
* "Knight Hack" (LMW Works, 2007)
* "Shattered Lances" (Brendan Moyle, 2004)
* "Tactica Medieval" (Quantum Publishing, 1992)
* "To Me! V 6:Computer Moderated Miniature Wargames Rules" (Computer Strategies, 2007)

Early Modern

* [] "Age of Musket" ( Peter Morffew, 2003)
* "Bayonet and Ideology" (Peter Pig, 1994)
* "Black Powder Battles" (Two Hour Wargames, 2004)
* "Carnage & Glory" (Nigel P. Marsh, 1991)
* "Carnage & Glory II" (Nigel P. Marsh, 2001)
* "Cavaliers and Roundheads" (TSR, Inc., 1973)
* "Close Action" (Clash of Arms Games, 1998)
* "Column, Line, & Square" (Fred Vietmeyer, 1966)
* "De Bellis Renationis" (Wargames Research Group, 1997)
* "Don't Give Up The Ship!" (Tactical Studies Rules, 1972)
* "Empire" (Napoleonic) (Scotty Bowden, 1975)
* "Ever Victorious Armies" (Honourable Lead Boiler Suit Company, 2000)
* "Final Argument of Kings" (Seven Years War) (Dean West, 1996)
* "Forlorn Hope" (English Civil War) (Partizan Press, 1991)
* "Game of War Napoleonic and 18th century" (, 2007)
* "Grande Armée" (Napoleonic) (Sam A. Mustafa, 2002)
* "Great Captains - Linear Warfare V 6" (Computer Moderated Miniature Wargame Rules) (Computer Strategies, 2007)
* "Gunpowder Revolution - Renaissance Warfare V 6" (Computer Moderated Miniature Wargame Rules) (Computer Strategies, 2007)
* "Guns of Liberty" (American War of Independence) (Eric Burgess, 1998)
* "Gå På" (Great Northern War, War of the Spanish Succession) (Thomas Årnfelt)
* "Habitants and Highlanders" (Canadian Wargamers Group, 2001)
* "In the Heart of Africa" (Colonial Africa 1860-1899) (Honourable Lead Boiler Suit Co., unknown)
* "In the Name of Glory" (David Marks, 2005)
* "Iron Duke - Napoleonics V 6" (Computer Moderated Miniature Wargame Rules) (Computer Strategies, 2007)
* "John Company" (Colonial India) (n/a, unknown)
* "King of the Battlefield" (18th Century European) (Ian Godwin, unknown)
* "Kiss Me Hardy" (Napoleanic Naval) (Too Fat Lardies, 2003)
* "Koenig Krieg" (1688-1786, War of the Spanish Succession, Seven Years War, American War of Independence) (Freikorps 15 and Outland Games, 1996)
* "La Grande Armée" (Napoleonic) (Simulations Publications Inc, 1972)
* "La Grande Armee" (Napoleonic) (TSR, Inc., 1987)
* "Le Feu Sacré" (Napoleonic) (Too Fat Lardies, 2004)
* "Might & Reason" (18th Century European)
* "Patrols in the Sudan" (19th century Colonial) (Peter Pig, 2004)
* "Piquet" (Multiple periods)
* "Pirates & Buccaneers" (16th-18th Cent Skirmish)(Tactical Command Games, 1988)
* "Pirates of the Spanish Main" (WizKids, 2004)
* "Principles of War" (16th Cent.-WWI)
* "Regiment of Foote" (English Civil War) (Peter Pig, 2004)
* "Republique" (Napoleonic)
* "Rocket's Red Glare" (War of 1812) (Canadian Wargamers Group, 1994)
* "Rough Riders" (SCW)
* "Senso" (Samurai)
* "Shako" (Napoleonics)
* "Spanish Fury" (Renaissance)
* "The British are Coming" (American War of Independence)
* "The Last Days of the Grande Armee" (Napoleonic) (Operational Studies Group, 1998)
* "The Sword and The Flame" (Colonial) (Yaquinto, And That's the Way It Was..., 1979)
* "To the Banners" (Renaissance)
* "Tricolor" (Napoleonic) (TSR, Inc., 1975)
* "Volley & Bayonet" (Horse & Musket)
* "Warfare in the Age of Discovery"
* "Warfare in the Age of Reason"
* "Warhammer English Civil War" (Warhammer Historical Wargames Ltd, 2002)
* "The Whites of Their Eyes" (American War of Independence) (Canadian Wargamers Group, 1997)

American Civil War

* "Blue-Light Manual" (Fantasy Games Unlimited, 1976)
* "Brother Against Brother" (Stratagem Publications Ltd, 1997)
* "" (Marek/Janci Designs, Vol.1 2002, Vol. 2 2004)
* "Fire and Fury" (Quantum Publishing, 1990)
* "Hardtack" (Guidon Games, 1971)
* "Ironclad" (Guidon Games, 1973)
* "Honor & Glory" (David Marks, unknown)
* "Johnny Reb III" (Game Designers' Workshop, 1988)
* "Kepi and Musket" (Peter Morffew, 2006)
* "Mr. Lincoln's War: Army of the Potomac" and "Mr. Lincoln's War: Army of the Tennessee" (3W (World Wide Wargames), 1983)
* "Rally Round the Flag" (Battleline, 1975)
* "Rally Once More! V 6" (Computer Moderated Miniature Wargame Rules) (Computer Strategies, 2007)


* "The Great Powers - Post-Napoleonic Warfare V 6" (Computer Moderated Miniature Wargame Rules) (Computer Strategies, 2007)
* "Gutshot (American Old West) (Mike Mitchell, Mike Murphy & Paul Mauer, Hawgleg Publishing, 2005)
* "Hey You in the Jail!" (American Old West) (Peter Pig, unknown)
* "Imperial Splendour V 6" (Computer Moderated Wargame Rules) (Computer Strategies, 2007)
* "Legends of the Old West" (Warhammer Historical Games Ltd, 2004)
* "Red Actions" (Russian Civil War) (The Perfect Captain, unknown)
* "Santa Anna Rules!" (Mexican and Texas Wars of Independence, Mexican-American War) (Buck Surdu and Pete Panzeri, unknown)
* "Sons of the Desert" (French Foreign Legion in North Africa) (Old Glory, unknown)
* "Six-Gun Sound: Blaze of Glory (American Old West) (Two-Hour Wargames, 2007)
* "Tombstones n' Tumbleweeds" (American Old West) (Game Werks, 2004)

World War I

* "Aces at Dawn" (Majestic Twelve Games, 2005)
* "Algernon Pulls it Off" (Too Fat Lardies, 2006)
* "Canvas Eagles" (Eric Hotz, unknown)
* "Challenge & Reply! WW1 Naval" (, 2000)
* "Contemptible Little Armies" (HLBS Publishing, 2002)
* "Cordite and Steel" (TSR, Inc., 1977)
* "Desert Column V 6" (Computer Moderated Miniature Wargame Rules) (Computer Strategies, 2007)
* "Fleet Action Imminent" (Old Dominion GamesWorks, 2008)
* "Grand Fleets" (Majestic Twelve Games, 2004)
* "Great War" (Terry Sirk and Fred Haub, 1985)
* "If the Lord Spares Us" (Too Fat Lardies, 2005)
* "Price of Glory" (Iron Ivan Games, 2006)
* "Square Bashing 1914-1918" (Peter Pig, 1997)
* "Trench Storm" (n/a, unknown)
* "Trench Wars" (Old Glory, 2004)
* "Triumph of the Will" (Russian Civil War, Spanish Civil War) (Too Fat Lardies, 2001)

World War II

* "Ambush Blitz!" (2007)
* "Arc of Fire" (TAC Publications, 2002)
* "Assault Gun" (David Kershaw, 2006)
* "Axis & Allies Miniatures" (Wizards of the Coast, 2004)
* "Bag the Hun" (Too Fat Lardies, 2005)
* "Battlefront WWII" (Fire and Fury Games, 2000)
* "BlitzkriegCommander" (The Wargames Directory, 2006)
* "Command Decision" (Game Designers' Workshop, 1986)
* "Crossfire" (Quantum Printing, 1996)
* "Disposable Heroes & Coffin for Seven Brothers" (Iron Ivan Games, 2004)
* "Face of Battle" (Meramic Enterprises, 2001)
* "Fast Rules" (Armored Operations Society, 1970)
* "Final Combat" (Britton Publishers, 2004)
* "Final Round" (n/a, 2006)
* "Flames of War" (Battlefront Ltd, 2002)
* "General Quarters" (Old Dominion GameWorks, unknown)
* "Guts 'N Glory" (GTB, 2006)
* "Hour of Glory" (Warm Acre, 2004)
* "I Ain't Been Shot, Mum!" (Too Fat Lardies, 2002)
* "Iron Tigers V 6" (Computer Moderated Miniature Wargame Rules) (Computer Strategies, 2007)
* "Look Sarge No Charts" (LMW Works, 2007)
* "Mein Panzer" (Old Dominion GameWorks, unknown)
* "Micro Armor: The Game" (GHQ, unknown)
* "Nuts!" (Two Hour Wargames, 2005)
* "Panzer Marsch!" (North Hull Wargames Club, 1999)
* "Panzer Miniatures" (StrikeNet Games, 2004)
* "PanzerTruppe" (LMW Works, 2004)
* "Patrol: WWII" (Skirmish, WWII) (Damond Crump, 2006)
* "Poor Bloody Infantry (PBI)" and "Poor Bloody Infantry 2" (Peter Pig, 2000, 2006)
* "Rapid Fire!" (Stratagem Publications Ltd, 1994)
* "Rules of Engagement" (Great Escape Games, 2007)
* "Salvo! WW2 Naval" (, 2007)
* "Schwere Kompanie" (FesterPlatz RitterKrieg, 2001)
* "Spearhead" (Quantum Printing, 1995)
* "Spitting Fire" (Majestic Twelve Games, 2006)
* "Tigers and Stalins -- Micro Armor Tank Rules" (Mind Games, unknown)
* "Tractics" (Guidon Games, 1971)
* "Troops, Weapons & Tactics" (Too Fat Lardies, 2007)
* "Victory at Sea" (Nassau Naval & Military Historical Society, 1971)
* "Victory at Sea" (Mongoose Publishing, 2006)


* [] " Land and Airborne Assault" ( Peter Morffew, updated 2008 )
* "A Fistful of TOWs" (A Fistful of Games, 1998)
* "AK47 Republic" (Peter Pig, 1997)
* "Charlie Company" (Ulster Imports, 1986)
* "Command Decision" (Game Designers Workshop, 1986)
* "Conflict 2000" (Tactical Command Games, 1996)
* "Cold War Commander"(The Wargames Directory, 2006)
* "Desert Whirlwind V 6" (Computer Moderated Miniature Wargame Rules) (Computer Strategies, 2007)
* "Dogs of War" (modern skirmish)(JC McDaniel, Devil Dog Design, 2002)
* "Flashpoint Vietnam" (Flashpoint Miniatures, 2006)
* "Megablitz" (Multi-period 20th century) (Tim Gow, unknown)
* "The Men of Company B" (Vietnam) (Peter Pig, unknown)
* "Micro Armour®: The Game - Modern" (1946-present days) (GHQ, unknown)
* "Modern Ops" (Great White Games, 2005)
* "Modern Spearhead" (Quantum Printing, 2000)

Other Historical/Alternate History

* ".45 Adventures" (Pulp Era) (Rattrap Productions, 2005)
* "All Things Zombie" (Zombies) (Two Hour Wargames, 2006)
* "Crimson Skies" (1930's Pulp Aerial Combat) (FASA, 1998)
* "Down Styphon" (Pike and Shot) (Fantasy Games Unlimited, 1977)
* "Gear Krieg" (WW2 mecha combat) (Dream Pod 9, 2000)
* "Hard Vacuum" (WW2 spaceship combat) (Fat Messiah Games, 2000)
* "Iron Stars" (Edwardian spaceship combat) (Majestic Twelve Games, 2004)

Abstract/Generic/Multiple time periods

* "Brikwars" (N/A, 1995)
* "Digital Empires" (Ancients, Medieval, WWI, WWII, Science Fiction, Fantasy) (Crunchy Frog Enterprises, 1996)
* "ShockForce" (Universal rules for miniatures) (Demonblade Games, unknown)
* "Gear Krieg" (Mecha WW2) (Dream Pod 9, unknown)

cience Fiction

* "5150" (Two Hour Wargames, 2006)
* "Aeronautica Imperialis" (Forge World, 2007)
* "Aeronef" (Wessex Games, unknown)
* "Ætherverse" (Triskele Game Design Studios, 2004)
* "" (Mongoose Publishing, 2004)
* "A Fistful of Sardaukar" (A Fistful of Games, unknown) cite web|url=| title=Science Fiction: Land Warfare| publisher=The Miniatures Page| accessdate=2007-11-24]
* "AT-43" (Rackham, 2006)
* "" (Ad Astra Games, 2004)
* "Babylon 5 Wars" (Agents of Gaming, 1998)
* "Battlefield Evolution" (Mongoose Publishing, 2007)
* "Battlefleet Gothic" (Games Workshop, 2005) cite web|url=| title=Science Fiction: Space Warfare| publisher=The Miniatures Page| accessdate=2007-11-24]
* "Chain Reaction" (Two Hour Wargames, 2000)
* "Classic BattleTech" (FASA, 1984)
* "Critter Commandos" (Crunchy Frog Enterprises, 1989)
* "CyborGladiators" (Firefly Games, 2004)
* "Dark Horizon: Escape" (Advanced Primate Entertainment Games, 1996)
* "Defiance" (Majestic Twelve Games, 2001)
* "Dirtside" (Ground Zero Games, 1989)
* "Dirtside II" (Ground Zero Games, 1993)
thumb|150px|Second_Edition_Full Thrust" Rulebook.]
* "Epic", versions also known as "Warhammer Epic 40,000" and "Epic Armageddon" (Games Workshop, 1988)
* "Flashpoint!" (Virtual Fusion Press, unknown)
* "Full Thrust" (Ground Zero Games, 1992)
* "Galactic Warfare" (Skytrex, 1973)
* "Gangs of Mega-City One" (Mongoose Publishing, 2005)
* "Gorkamorka" (Games Workshop, 1997)
* "Heavy Gear" (Dream Pod 9, 1989) cite web|url=| title=Science Fiction: Giant Robot Warfare| publisher=The Miniatures Page| accessdate=2007-11-24]
* "Holes" (Tri Tac Systems, 1995)
* "Infinity" (Corvus Belli, 2005)
* "Iron Cow 2103ad" (Wessex Games, 1995, reprinted 2002)
* "Jovian Chronicles" (Dream Pod 9, 1992)
* "Jump Trooper" (A Fistful of Games, unknown)
* "Kryomek" (Fantasy Forge Ltd, 1991)
* "Laserburn" (Tabletop Games, 1980)
* "LaserGrenadiers" (Godfox Enterprises, unknown)
* "Legions of Steel" (Global Games Company, 1992)
* "Mars Ascendant - Sci-Fi V 6" (Computer Moderated Miniature Wargame Rules) (Computer Strategies, 2007)
* "", "MechWarrior: Age of Destruction" (WizKids, 2002, 2006)
* "Mindstalkers" (ManorHouse Miniatures, 2004)
* "Monster Island: The Game of Giant Monster Combat" (Firefly Games, 2002)
* "Necromunda" (Games Workshop, 1995) cite web|url=| title=Science Fiction: Urban Warfare| publisher=The Miniatures Page| accessdate=2007-11-24]
* "New World Disorder" (Precis Intermedia Gaming, 2008)
* "OGRE Miniatures" (Steve Jackson Games, 1992)
* "Omega Warrior" (Flagship Games, 1998)
* "Princess Ryan's Space Marines" (Simulations Tacticals (SIMTACS), 1991)
* "Railgun 2100" (A Fistful of Games, unknown)
* "Renegade Legion" (FASA, 1987)
* "Saganami Island Tactical Simulator" (Ad Astra Games, 2005)
* "Shockforce" (Demonblade, 1998)
* "Slammer" (Chris and Alex Nicole, unknown)
* "Space Marines" (Fantasy Games Unlimited, 1980)
* "Squadron Commander 3600" (Mariner Games, 1997)
* "$tar Corp$: Call to Battle!" (Lance and Laser Models Inc., Crunchy Frog Enterprises, 1992)
* "Star Wars Miniatures" (Wizards of the Coast, 2004)
* "Star Wars Miniatures Battles" (West End Games, 1989)
* "Stargrunt II" (Ground Zero Games, 1996)
* "Starguard!" (McEwan Miniatures, 1974)
* "Starmada" (Majestic Twelve Games, 2000)
* "Starship Marine" (Jim Wallman, 1974)
* "" (Mongoose Publishing, 2005)
* "StarSoldier" (Simulations Publications, Inc., 1977)
* "Striker" (Game Designers' Workshop, 1981)
* "Stellar Fire" (Tactical Command Games 1996,2000)
* "Stellar Conflicts & Uprisings" (Tactical Command Games 1996,2000)
* "Strikeforce" (, 2007)
* "Tactical Strike" (Atlantis Games, 1999)
* "Universal War" (Black Skull Games 2007)
* "Urban War" (Urban Mammoth, 2005)
* "" (FASA, 1999)
* "Warcosm" (Precis Intermedia Gaming, 2008)
* "WarEngine" (Universal Rules for Sci-Fi miniatures and more.)
* "Warhammer 40,000" (Games Workshop, 1987)
* "Warzone" (Target Games, 1995)


* "Aminouch!" (Camberley Area Wargames Society (CAWS), 1995)
* "Archworld" (Fantasy Games Unlimited, 1977) cite web|url=| title=Fantasy Rules: Mass Combat| publisher=The Miniatures Page| accessdate=2007-11-19]
* "Armies of Arcana" (Thanes Games, 1997)
* "Battle of Five Armies" (Games Workshop, 2001)
* "Battlestorm" (Ral Partha Publishing, 1997)
* "Bellicose" (Sanity Studios, 2006)
* "Blood Bowl" (Games Workshop, 1987) cite web|url=| title=Fantasy Rules: Miscellaneous| publisher=The Miniatures Page| accessdate=2007-11-19]
* "Celtos" (Brigade Models, 2002)
* "Citadel" (Fantasy Games Unlimited, unknown)
* "Confrontation" (Rackham, 2000) cite web|url=| title=Fantasy Rules: Skirmish| publisher=The Miniatures Page| accessdate=2007-11-19]
* "Dungeons & Dragons Miniatures" (Wizards of the Coast, 2003)
* "Dwarf Wars" (West Wind Productions, unknown)
* "Fairy Meat" (Kenzer & Company, 2000)
* "Fantasy Warlord" (Folio Works, 1990)
* "Fantasy Rules! 2nd Ed" (Chipco)
* "Fantasy Warriors" (Grenadier Miniatures UK, 1990)
* "For the Masses" (Majestic Twelve Games, 2004)
* "HeroClix" (Superhero) (WizKids, 2002)
* "Heroscape" (Milton Bradley/Hasbro, 2004)
* "Hordes" (Privateer Press, 2006)
* "Hordes of the Things" (Wargames Research Group, 1991)
* "Legions Unleashed" (Tactical Command Games, 1983, 1996)
* "Lord of the Rings Strategy Battle Game" (Games Workshop, 2005)
* "Mage Knight" (WizKids, 2001)
* "Man O' War" (Games Workshop, 1993) cite web|url=| title=Fantasy Rules: Naval| publisher=The Miniatures Page| accessdate=2007-11-19]
* "Middle Earth Wargame Rules" (Decalset, 1976)
* "Mighty Armies" (Mongoose Publishing, 2004)
* "Mordheim" (Games Workshop, 1999)
* "Occult Wars" (Stealthy Spider Publishing, 2006)
* "Ring of Rule" (Zvezda, 2003)
* "Rippers: The Horror Wars" (Pinnacle, 2004)
* "Royal Armies of the Hyborian Age" (Fantasy Games Unlimited, 1975)
* "Skull Cleaver - Fantasy V 6" (Computer Moderated Miniature Wargame Rules) (Computer Strategies, 2007)
* "Song of Blades and Heroes" (Ganesha Games, 2007)
* "Supersystem" (West Wind Productions, 2000)
* "Third Kingdom Skirmish Game" (Wargame involving animals) (Whimsical Entertainment, unknown)
* "Vis Magica" (Ordered Flexibility, 2002)
* "Wargods of Ægyptus" (Crocodile Games, 2002)
* "Wargods of Olympus" (Crocodile Games, 2008)
* "Warhammer Fantasy Battle" (Games Workshop, 1983)
* "Warlord" (Gamer's Guild, 1983)
* "Warlord" (Reaper Miniatures, 2004)
* "WARMACHINE" (Privateer Press, 2003)
* "Warmaster" (Games Workshop, 2000)


External links

* [ The International Wargames Federation]
* [ Mind Sports South Africa] - For information on the South African wargames scene.
* [ BoardGameGeek] - For reviews, information, etc. on many of the rules systems listed above.
* [ Freewargamesrules] Many wargamers write their own rules rather than using commercially produced ones and some of them give them away free of charge on the internet. A list of many of these free rules can be found at this website.
* The Miniatures Page::* [ Fantasy Miniatures Rules Directory] :* [ Historical Miniatures Rules Directory] :* [ Science Fiction Miniatures Rules Directory] :* [ Toy Gaming Rules Directory]
* [ Miniature Wargaming Minipedia]

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