- Lion's Blood
Infobox Book
name = Lion's Blood
title_orig =
translator =
image_caption =
author =Steven Barnes
illustrator =
cover_artist =
country =United States
language = English
series =
genre =alternate history
publisher =Warner Aspect
release_date = 2002
media_type = Print
pages = 461 pages (hardcover)
isbn = 978-0446526685
preceded_by =
followed_by =Zulu Heart "Lion's Blood" (2002) is an
alternate history novel bySteven Barnes . The book won the 2003Endeavour Award . Its followed by the sequel "Zulu Heart ".The novel presents an alternate world where an
Islam icAfrica is the center of technological progress and learning whileEurope remains largely tribal and backward. Throughout the novel, both theGregorian calendar and the Islamic Hijri calendar are used.Plot
The story begins with Aidan O'Dere, a child growing up in a primitive 19th century
Ireland with his pagan father, Christian mother, and twin sister. Their village is attacked byVikings and Aidan’s father is killed in the battle, while Aidan and the rest of his family are taken as slaves. They are later sold to black slave merchants inAndalus and taken to Bilalistan (southeastern North America) by the middle passage. Many die along the way and Aidan’s mother suffers a miscarriage. There at a slave auction Aidan’s sister is separated from them and sold off as a maidservant, while Aiden and his mother are sold to a Wakil named Abu Alli Jallaleddin ibn Rashid al Kushi, owner of a plantation called Dar Kush, known for its lenient treatment of the white slaves, going as far as allowing them to keep native religion, culture, and language. Before being separated Aidan swore to his sister that he would find her again.The Wakil has three children and among them is the youngest son Kai, an awkward, shy boy who feels that he will never live up to his father's expectations. One day Kai and Aidan meet and become unlikely friends. Aiden aids him in a prank that gets him switched, but Kai saves him from most of the punishment and selects him as his footboy/servant. Despite their difference in status, the boys develop a strong friendship.
Kai and Aidan grow up together and remain close, until a slave girl that was a gift to Kai comes between them. The break happens when the girl falls in love with Aidan leading to a fight between the two that Aidan wins, mostly because of the strength Aidan achieved while working as a slave instead of the training Kai received as a fighter and swordsman. Kai, though angry and humiliated, does not punish them and allows the two to be together.
Both boys go through several changes as they become adults. Kai converts to
Sufism , begins to show feelings to his brother’s wife, finds himself about to be in an arranged marriage with aZulu princess, and begins to question the practice of slavery. Aidan, finally with something worth fighting for, begins to chafe at the bonds of his slavery, driving a wedge further between the two friends. He eventually becomes involved in a slave revolt among the slaves of Dar Kush and neighboring plantations. Usuing the revolt as cover Aidan and other slaves attempt to flee, but are captured and Aidan's infant son almost dies. Aidan, however, is spared punishment again by Kai who is mourning the death of his older brother in the revolt.Later Bilalistan finds itself at war with the Aztecs and both Kai and Aidan join the army heading to meet them. During the last stand at the Shrine of the Fathers, Kai takes leadership of the armies after the Zulus abandoned them because of the death of their leader. Promising freedom to all of the slaves who came with the army, the Bilalistanis manage a victory by destroying the Shrine of the Fathers with most of the surviving Aztec forces inside it. Kai, now a war hero, keeps his promise to free all of the slaves who fought along with their families. On returning home he discovers that his uncle has taken Aidan’s wife and after killing him he reunites the two together. Kai takes his place as the Wakil of Dar Kush, while Aidan and his family leave to start a new life as freed slaves.
World of "Lion's Blood"
The story is set in an alternate history world where Islamic African nations are the dominant world power, with colonies in
Europe and theNew World , commonly referred to by the characters as Bilalistan instead of North America. The dominant nations areEgypt which is still ruled by thePharaoh s and Abyssinia which is controlled by amonarch known as the Immortal Empress.Due to the destruction of
Rome byCarthage and Egypt in200 B.C. , Europe remained largely tribal while Africa advanced technologically and culturally with steamboats, rifles andairship s or "flying boats" by the late 19th century. The dominant Africans consider Europeans to be inferior and treat them as a source of slave labour which is supplied to them byViking raiders.Southern Africa is controlled by the Zulus while the Vikings control much ofNorthern Europe .The
Middle East is presumably Islamic-dominated, with references to Egypt being at war with Persia, though aJewish state known asJudea is also mentioned to have been established by theProphet Muhammad in 623 AD as part of a mutual assistance pact between Islam and the Jews. The Gupta control much ofIndia whileChina is ruled by Emperors and apparently has a colony on the New World's western coast. Much of modern dayMexico is ruled by theAztec s while Native Americans compete with the African immigrants.On a map of Bilalistan shown in the book, Bilalistan is divided into four provinces which include: New Alexandria, New Djibouti, Azania and Wichita. Most of the story takes place in Dar Kush in New Djibouti, around where the real world state of
Louisiana lies. It is also mentioned that the African settlers have driven the Native Americans out of their territories as the European powers had done to the native populations from the 19th century. To the south lies the Aztec nation of Azteca which often fights with Bilalistan. Vikings maintain a colony in the New World known asVinland to the north of Bilalistan and there is a Chinese colony inCalifornia .Christianity is also mentioned in the novel, though it failed to become a dominant world religion, with the majority of its followers being Europeans. Without the influence ofRome , Christianity is much more divided between traditional andGnostic thought over whether Christ was divine or merely a man. TheGospel of Mary is also an important part of the Christian beliefs.History
Alexander the Great 's conquest of much of the known world, Alexander made himself the Pharaoh of Egypt following a vision of Pharaoh-hood after he had lost his leg. After the death of his first wife, he married aKush princess named Mesgana, who bore him twin sons. When his sons came of age, he set one as ruler of Alexandria with the other reigning over Abyssinia. Alexander eventually adopted the title of Pharaoh Haaibre Setepenamen which literally translates as "Jubilant is the heart of Re, Chosen of Amen". As in our timeline, Alexander's capital was atAlexandria which became the capital of Egypt. Over the centuries, history was rewritten to portray Alexander as an African to suit the perceptions of the dominant Africans.In
200 BC , the combined forces ofEgypt ,Carthage and Abyssinia destroyedRome , removing the last European power and paving the way for African dominance. For a thousand years the descendants of Alexander ruled much of the known world with Egypt ruling an empire stretching fromEastern Europe toIndia . Egypt and Abyssinia also created a major trade route along theNile and immense networks of canals. By420 ,steamboat s had been invented and were used to trade with other kingdoms in Africa. Eventually, most of sub-Saharan Africa was under joint Egyptian and Abyssianian rule.With the advent of
Islam ,Arabic became the dominant language of that region. In623 , Muhammad approved of a mutual assistance pact with theJewish people which would lead to the establishment of the Jewish state ofJudea . With Muhammad's death in632 , his followers fought among themselves as they did in our timeline. However, this was stopped by the intervention of Bilal. He rescued Muhammad's daughterFatima and fled to Abyssinia, where they were protected.Fatima continued Muhammad's teachings and her form of Islam became known as Fatimite Islam which eventually swept through much of North Africa, resulting in a unified Islamic coalition against Egypt's royal house. In the end, Alexandria was defeated through the use of a disease carried by black barges which may be an analogue to the
Black Plague . This disease eventually swept through Egypt and its territories in the Middle East and southern Europe. With Egypt defeated the Fatimite Caliphate was established but both nations would remain separate.Bilal would live long enough to see the fall of Alexandria and was thus revered by the masses as the last of the Prophet's companions. He saw that politics and religion had intertwined in the Old World and that the resulting chaos of that union were beyond repair. It was on his deathbed that Bilal received a vision from the angel
Gabriel who told him of the existence of a continent beyond the oceans which would be the promised land, and that the masses should colonize it for their own.By 1000, African Muslims explorers had crossed the
Atlantic Ocean to the New World through the use of huge ocean-going steamboats. As the early European explorers had done, the Africans traded with the natives for gold and exotic fruits and founded cities there. The explorers would moved westward and would come into conflict with the native populations there. When the last of these explorers had perished far west inTexas , their burial site became the location of the Shrine of the Fathers. By1100 , the Fatimites were trading with theAztec /Toltec empires though Bilalistan would only be officially colonised in 1700.ociety
Like the
United States of America during the 19th century, Bilalistan's society is diverse with races as varied asEgyptians , Abyssinians, Yoruba,Zulu s,Arab s,Moors ,Jews , Europeans, and Native Americans. The dominant Africans and Arabs form most of the upper and middle classes while the lowest jobs are taken by European slaves.Bilalistan was originally a
theocracy when first settled, though it had become a theocratic republic by 1863. The Bilalian ruling hierarchy consists of theUlema , the religious body which is led by anAyatollah , and theSenate , the political body which is ruled by aCaliph . Both organizations compete for control though all power lies in the hands of the Caliph, who is appointed by the Pharaoh of Egypt. The Senate is divided into a House of Lords and House of Commons.Below the Caliph are four
Governor s who governs each of the four provinces of Bilalistan. These Governors are also assigned or appoint Wakils which rulefiefdom s within the provinces and are apparently part of thearistocracy .Arranged marriage s are practised between the Wakils. Citizens, whether male or female, are allowed to vote though slaves have no citizenship and little rights. Many slaves are forced to convert to Islam and take Islamic names.The Bilalian hierarchy ranges from the Caliph and Ayatollah, the Houses of Lords and Commons and the Judiciary which create both religious and common laws. For laws to be passed, they must be accepted by majorities in both Houses which hold legislative power and the Caliph and Ayatollah which have executive power over the state. Common laws can be overturned by a two-thirds majority within the Ulema while religious laws can only be overturned by the Ayatollah and the Pharaoh.
Like the Europeans the Muslim explorers brought exotic animals to Bilalistan, most notably the Savannah buffalos, which were imported by the Zulu in order to carry out hunts. Most dogs are considered impure due to the prevailing Islamic culture, with the possible exception of Greyhounds in New Alexandria, and Zulu Ridgebacks in the Zulu kraals. However, many forms of monkeys are kept as pets. Baboons, (or thoths, as they are known), are used to track down runaway slaves, often with brutal consequences.
Heather Alexander 's album "Insh'Allah" is based on "Lion's Blood". The two were written concurrently, and the book quotes lyrics from several of the songs.ee also
External links
* [http://www.strangehorizons.com/2002/20020729/joining.shtml Strange Horizons Review of Steven Barnes' "Lion's Blood" and Heather Alexander's "Insh'Allah", 29 July 2002]
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