Miju Mishmi tribe — The Miju Mishmi, also known as Kaman, are one of the three tribes of the Mishmi people of Tibet and Arunachal Pradesh. Members of this tribe are located in Anjaw and Lohit districts. The Miju clans claim to have come from the Kachin country of… … Wikipedia
Miju Mishmi language — Kaman Geman Pronunciation [kɯ˧˩mɑn˧˥] Spoken in Arunachal, India Ethnicity Miju Mishmi … Wikipedia
Miju-Mishmi — ISO 639 3 Code : mxj ISO 639 2/B Code : ISO 639 2/T Code : ISO 639 1 Code : Scope : Individual Language Type : Living … Names of Languages ISO 639-3
Mishmi people — Members of the Mishmi ethnic group in northern Assam (1922) The Mishmi or Deng people of Tibet and Arunachal Pradesh are an ethnic group comprising mainly three tribes: Idu Mishmi (Idu Lhoba); Digaro Mishmi (Taraon, Darang Deng), and Miju Mishmi… … Wikipedia
Mishmi — The Mishmi of India is an ethnic tribe comprising of mainly three tribes: Idu Mishmi; Digaru (Taraon) Mishmi, and Miju (Kaman) Mishmi. The Mishmis occupy the north eastern tip of the central Arunachal Pradesh in Upper and Lower Dibang Valley,… … Wikipedia
Mishmi — ▪ people tribal people mostly of Arunachal Pradesh (formerly North East Frontier Agency) in extreme northeastern India, near Tibet and Assam, speaking dialects of the Tibeto Burman linguistic family. Numbering about 35,000 in the late 20th… … Universalium
Mishmi-Sprachen — Die Nord Assam Sprachen oder brahmaputranischen Sprachen bilden eine Untergruppe der tibetobirmanischen Sprachen, eines Primärzweiges des Sinotibetischen. Die etwa 30 Nord Assam Sprachen werden von 850.000 Menschen in Indien im Staat Arunachal… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Nord-Mishmi-Sprachen — Die Nord Assam Sprachen oder brahmaputranischen Sprachen bilden eine Untergruppe der tibetobirmanischen Sprachen, eines Primärzweiges des Sinotibetischen. Die etwa 30 Nord Assam Sprachen werden von 850.000 Menschen in Indien im Staat Arunachal… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Süd-Mishmi-Sprachen — Die Nord Assam Sprachen oder brahmaputranischen Sprachen bilden eine Untergruppe der tibetobirmanischen Sprachen, eines Primärzweiges des Sinotibetischen. Die etwa 30 Nord Assam Sprachen werden von 850.000 Menschen in Indien im Staat Arunachal… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Midzu languages — Midzu Southern Mishmi Ethnicity: Miju Mishmi Geographic distribution: Arunachal Pradesh Linguistic classification: Sino Tibetan … Wikipedia