- Angular artery
Infobox Artery
Latin = arteria angularis
GraySubject = 144
GrayPage = 556
Caption = Bloodvessels of the eyelids, front view. 1,supraorbital artery andsupraorbital vein ; 2,nasal artery ; 3, angular artery, the terminal branch of 4, thefacial artery ; 5,suborbital artery ; 6, anterior branch of thesuperficial temporal artery ; 6’, malar branch of thetransverse artery of the face ; 7,lacrimal artery ; 8,superior palpebral artery with 8’, itsexternal arch ; 9, anastomoses of thesuperior palpebral with thesuperficial temporal andlacrimal ; 10,inferior palpebral artery ; 11,facial vein ; 12,angular vein ; 13, branch of thesuperficial temporal vein .
Caption2 = The arteries of the face and scalp. (Angular labeled at center right.)
BranchFrom =facial artery
BranchTo =
Vein =angular vein
Supplies =
MeshName =
MeshNumber =
DorlandsPre = a_61
DorlandsSuf = 12153452
The angular artery is the terminal part of thefacial artery ; it ascends to the medial angle of the eye'sorbit , imbedded in the fibers of the angular head of theQuadratus labii superioris , and accompanied by theangular vein .On the cheek it distributes branches which anastomose with the
infraorbital ; after supplying thelacrimal sac andOrbicularis oculi , it ends by anastomosing with thedorsal nasal branch of theophthalmic artery .External links
* [http://www.stchas.edu/divisions/aao/ace/science/modelpics/circulatory/head.shtml Diagram at stchas.edu]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.