- QueerTV
"QueerTV" is a syndicated Australian
television series produced by Panda Media, created and directed by Chris Reynolds and Pandora Box. In 2006, the show is now running into its 5th season inAustralia .Pandora Box a reporter for DV8TV on
Channel 31 producing eight segments that ran for 5 mins an episode. DV8 finished up. That’s when Chris and Pandora created QueerTV.The QueerTV crew have filmed and reported on the
Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras for the past 4 years.Producing a light-hearted magazine show for the queer community on Channel 31
Sydney .The line up of presenters and reports include Pandora Box, Jo Smith, Sexy Galexy, Goldie MacShift, Aaron Harkness, BovaGirl, Glen Upton and Matt Taylor.
ee also
*Queer culture
*Gay pride
* [http://www.gdaypal.com.au/ GdayPal]
*List of gay-related topics
*List of festivals in Australia
*Sydney Gay and Lesbian Mardi Gras External links
* [http://www.queertv.com.au/ Queertv Official Site]
* [http://www.wasabitv.com.au/ Queertv Official Episode Downloads on WasabiTV]
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