

A cadilesker, cadilescher, kadi-ul leşker or kadi-ul asker was a chief judge in the Turkish Empire, so named originally because his jurisdiction extended to the cases of soldiers, who were later tried only by their own officers.

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#"Webster's Revised Unabridged Dictionary" (1913)

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  • Cadilesker — Ca di*les ker, n. [Ar. q[=a][.d][=i] judge + al sker the army, Per. leshker.] A chief judge in the Turkish empire, so named originally because his jurisdiction extended to the cases of soldiers, who are now tried only by their own officers. [1913 …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • cadilesker — …   Useful english dictionary

  • CADI — s. m. Nom qu on donne à un juge chez les Turcs. On nomme Cadilesker, Un juge d armée …   Dictionnaire de l'Academie Francaise, 7eme edition (1835)

  • Qadi — (also known as Qazi or Kazi or Kadi) ( ar. قاضي) is a judge ruling in accordance with the sharia, Islamic religious law. Because Islam makes no distinction between religious and secular domains, qadis traditionally have jurisdiction over all… …   Wikipedia

  • cadi — [ kadi ] n. m. • cady 1351; ar. qâdi « juge » → alcade ♦ Magistrat musulman qui remplit des fonctions civiles, judiciaires et religieuses. Des cadis. ⊗ HOM. Caddie. ● cadi nom masculin (arabe qāḍī, celui qui décide) Dans les pays musulmans, juge …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • кадилескер — а, м. cadilesker m. <тур. Главный (первоначально военный) судья в мусульманских странах. Сл. 18. Кадилескеры, первые по Муфтии духовные и светские Судьи. Левашов Зап. 33. // Сл. 18. Оба сии Кадилескера заседают в приказе правосудия, называемом …   Исторический словарь галлицизмов русского языка

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