Saul ben Anan

Saul ben Anan

Saul ben Anan was a Karaite Jewish leader of the eighth century CE. He was the son and successor of Anan ben David. He is styled by the later Karaites "nasi" (prince) and "Rosh ha-golah" (exilarch). Saul's activity was unimportant relative to his more famous father and descendants. He is mentioned by Solomon ben Jeroham in his commentary on the Decalogue as having also written a commentary thereon. He is particularly quoted for his opinion with regard to the sixth commandment; namely, that adultery includes connection with any woman not one's own wife or concubine, and is not confined, as in rabbinical law, to connection with another man's wife. Saul was one of the followers of Gnai Baruch, who is supposed as head of Ezra's bet din to have ordained the reading of the Torah on Shabbatim and holy days, beginning in the month of Tishri and terminating with the end of the year.

Saul died about 780 CE. He was the father of the Karaite "nasi" Jehoshaphat.


* Jacobs, Joseph and Max Seligsohn. "Saul." Jewish Encyclopedia". Funk and Wagnalls, 1901-1906; which contains the following bibliography::*Julius Fürst, "Gesch. des Karäert". i. 61;:*Simchah Pinsker, "Liḳḳuṭe Ḳadmoniyyot", p. 44 (Supplement), pp. 53, 106, 186.



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