Fulton–Hansen connectedness theorem

Fulton–Hansen connectedness theorem

In mathematics, the Fulton–Hansen connectedness theorem is a result from intersection theory in algebraic geometry, for the case of subvarieties of projective space with codimension large enough to make the intersection have components of dimension at least 1.

The formal statement is that if "V" and "W" are algebraic subvarieties (assumed irreducible, therefore) of a projective space "P", all over an algebraically closed field, and if

: dim("V") + dim ("W") > dim ("P")

in terms of the dimension of an algebraic variety, then the intersection "U" of "V" and "W" is connected.

More generally, the theorem states that if Z is a projective variety and f:Z o P^n imes P^n is any morphism such that dim f(Z) > n, then f^{-1}Delta is connected, where Delta is the diagonal in P^n imes P^n. The special case of intersections is recovered by taking Z = V imes W, with f the natural inclusion.

ee also

* Zariski's connectedness theorem
* Grothendieck's connectedness theorem
* Deligne's connectedness theorem


* citation|first=W.|last= Fulton|first2= J. |last2=Hansen|title=A connectedness theorem for projective varieties with applications to intersections and singularities of mappings|journal= Annals of Math. |volume=110 |year=1979|pages= 159–166|url= http://links.jstor.org/sici?sici=0003-486X%28197907%292%3A110%3A1%3C159%3AACTFPV%3E2.0.CO%3B2-N

External links

* [http://www.math.unizh.ch/fileadmin/math/preprints/20-05.pdf PDF lectures withe the result as Theorem 15.3 (attributed to Faltings, also)]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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