

The Jingi-kan (神祇官) was the Department of Worship, one of the two main governing departments instigated by the Ritsuryo legal system in 8th century Japan. The other department was the Daijō-kan.Although in theory at the same level as the Daijō-kan, the Jingi-kan was in practice under its control.

The Jingi-kan was mainly in charge of clergy and shinto rituals for the whole country.

It was headed by the "Jingi-haku" (神祇伯). From the 10th century to the 15th, the Shirakawa Hakuo family held the position continuously.

The Department lost considerable power in feudal times.

It was reinstalled during the Meiji era in 1869. It went through different forms and names during the 19th and 20th century, but was eventually dismantled on February 2, 1946. The very following day, the Association of Shinto Shrines took charge of the administration of the shrines.

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