Ibn Abi al-Izz

Ibn Abi al-Izz

region = Syrian Scholar
era = Medieval era
color = #B0C4DE

image_caption = Syria
name = Ibn Abi al-'Izz
birth = 1331
death = 1390
school_tradition = Sunni/Hanafi
Sadr ad-Dīn Abu'l Hassan Alī ibn Abī al-`Izz (13311390; 731AH — 792AH ), commonly known as Ibn Abi al-`Izz (Arabic: ابن أبي العز), was a Syrian born Sunni Hanafi jurist and theologian.

He came from a family that had been strong supporters of the Hanafi school of jurisprudence. Like most of his family members, Ibn Abi al-`Izz served for much of his life as a judge (Qadi). Having been educated by his family at an early age, he then commenced teaching aged seventeen at the Qimaziyyah school (built by Sarim ad-Dīn Qa`imaz, a descendent of the warrior Salah ad-Dīn al-Ayyūbi) which specialised in Hanafi jurisprudence. In 1369, Ibn Abi al-`Izz had started teaching at the Rukniyyah school, and by 1374, he had been appointed as judge of Damascus in place of his cousin (Najm ad-Dīn) who had been transferred to Egypt. This was short-lived, however, as Najm ad-Dīn resigned from his new post three months later and returned to his old position in Damascus. As too was Ibn Abi al-`Izz's subsequent tenure as judge in Egypt, which lasted a mere two months. By 1382, he was teaching at the `Izziyyah school, which had been founded by Abu'l Fadl `Izz ad-Dīn Aybak.

He is best known for his commentary of the creedal work of Imam at-Tahawi, entitled "Sharh al-Aqidah at-Tahawiyyah" [http://arabic.islamicweb.com/Books/creed.asp?book=5] . His commentary has been further explained, abridged, and commented upon by many other scholars.


* Foreword of "Commentary of at-Tahawi by Ibn Abi al-Izz — Sharh al-`Aqidah at-Tahawiyyah", English translation by Muhammad Abdul-Haqq Ansari (Institute of Islamic and Arabic sciences in America)
* [http://www.saaid.net/Doat/Zugail/108.htm Short Bio of Ibn Abu al-Iz By Shaikh Abdullah Zugail (Arabic)]

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