

ITF-14 is the GS1 implementation of an Interleaved 2 of 5 bar code to encode a Global Trade Item Number. ITF-14 symbols are generally used on packaging levels of a product, such as a case box of 24 cans of soup. The ITF-14 will always encode 14 digits.

GS1 GEPIR tool can be used to find out the company identification for a given GTIN-14 that is encoded in ITF-14 Symbol.

The thick black border around the symbol is called the Bearer Bar. The purpose of a Bearer Bar is to equalise the pressure exerted by the printing plate over the entire surface of the symbol, and to enhance reading reliability by helping to reduce the probability of misreads or short scans that may occur when a skewed scanning beam enters or exits the bar code symbol through its top or bottom edge.

ee also

* Global Trade Item Number (GTIN)
* Global Electronic Party Information Register (GEPIR)

External links

* (Global Electronic Party Registry)

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