- Richard Pulteney
Richard Pulteney (
17 February 1730 -13 October 1801 ) was an English botanist. He was educated atLoughborough Grammar School .
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Richard Pulteney (
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Richard Pulteney — Pultenaea stipularis … Deutsch Wikipedia
Richard Pulteney — est un médecin et un botaniste britannique, né le 17 février 1730 et mort le 13 octobre 1801. Il étudie la médecine à Édimbourg où il obtient son titre de docteur en 1764 avec une thèse intitulée … Wikipédia en Français
Pulteney Street, Adelaide — Pulteney Street is a main road in the eastern sector of the central business district (CBD) of Adelaide [cite book|title=2003 Adelaide Street Directory, 41st Edition |publisher=UBD (A Division of Universal Press Pty Ltd) |year=2003 |isbn=0 7319… … Wikipedia
Pulteney — may refer to:;Places: * Pulteney, New York in the United States * Pulteney, Wick in Scotland;People: *William Pulteney, 1st Earl of Bath *Daniel Pulteney *Harry Pulteney *Richard Pulteney, botanist … Wikipedia
Pulteney — ist der Familienname folgender Personen: Richard Pulteney (1730–1801), englischer Arzt und Botaniker William Pulteney, 1. Earl of Bath (1684–1764), englischer Politiker Pulteney steht für: Pulteney (Whiskybrennerei), eine Brennerei für Malt… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Richard Sanders Rogers — Saltar a navegación, búsqueda Richard Sanders Rogers Nacimiento diciembre 1861 Adelaida … Wikipedia Español
Pulteney — (spr. Pultni), 1) William, s. Bath. 2) Richard, geb. 1730 zu Mount Sorrel in Leicestershire, war praktischer Arzt zu Blandford g. st. 1801; er schr.: General view of the writings of Linnaeus, Lond. 1781; Historical and biographical sketches of… … Pierer's Universal-Lexikon
Pulteney Malcolm — Sir Pulteney Malcolm GCB (1768–1838) was a British naval officer.Malcolm, third son of George Malcolm of Burnfoot, Langholm, in Dumfriesshire, and of his wife Margaret, sister of Admiral Sir Thomas Pasley, was born at Douglan, near Langholm, on… … Wikipedia
Pulteney's Inn — A hostel in the city of London formerly belonging to John de Pulteney called Pulteneysyn. The master and chaplains of the college of St. Laurence Pulteneye granted it to Richard, earl of Arundel and Surrey, 8 Rich. II. (Anc. Deeds, D. 805).… … Dictionary of London
Systema Naturae — Titelblatt der 1. Auflage von Systema Naturæ … Deutsch Wikipedia