

Iglica (Polish; means "the spire" or "needle") [ [http://www.poltran.com/ Free Polish-English-Polish Translator and online Polish Dictionary ] ] is a needle-like monument in Wrocław, Poland. It was built in 1948 and was 106 meter tall. Today, after renovation, the top ten meters have been removed and it is now 96 meters tall.

This structure was constructed by Polish Communists for an exhibition to celebrate the regaining control over the "Regained Territories" after Second World War. The Iglica is located very close to the Centennial Hall, the spectacular building constructed by Germans in 1912 and its purpose was to move the centre of attention from the Centennial Hall to Iglica.Fact|date=February 2007

ee also

* Spire of Dublin – similar design with a height of 120 meter, but of stainless steel and newer
* List of towers


External links

* http://www.skyscraperpage.com/diagrams/?b48101

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