M2 tripod

M2 tripod

The M2 Tripod is a U.S. machine gun tripod originally used with the Browning M1919 infantry machine gun. Since then, it has seen several redesigns, but remained largely the same. In this fashion, the M2 tripod has seen combat service in every conflict the U.S. Army and Marine Corps has been involved in since World War II. It has also been widely used by numerous other nations, such as U.S. Allies in various wars, especially those countries that used the same machine guns as the United States military.

Modern U.S. machine guns, such as the M60 and M240 series machine guns, use slightly updated versions of the M2, designated the M122 and M122A1 Tripod. The M249 SAW also uses the M122. The M60 was originally going to be used on an experimental M91 tripod, but the updated M2 design was selected over it in 1950s.

The M122A1 has started to be replaced by the nearly all-new M192 Lightweight Ground Mount, an advanced lightweight tripod fielded in the early 2000s. It weighs 11.5 pounds (5.2 kg) vs. over 14 pounds (6.4 kg) for the M122.

It should not be confused with a similar looking, but larger tripod used with the .50 BMG M2 Machine Gun and Mk 19 Grenade Launcher, designated the M3 Tripod.


*http://www.peosoldier.army.mil/portfolio/sw/csw/M192LGMforMGuns.pdf (PDF)

ee also

*List of crew served weapons of the US Armed Forces

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