Fanhui Shi Weixing

Fanhui Shi Weixing

Fanhui Shi Weixing (zh-tspl|t=返回式衛星|s=返回式卫星|p=Fǎnhuí Shì Wèixīng|l=recoverable satellite) is a series of Chinese recoverable reconnaissance satellites. The satellites were designed for both military and civilian observation needs, with a total of 26 flights. The first Flight was FSW-0 on 1969-06-01 and the last SJ-8 on 2006-09-09.

Four models of the satellites were introduced: FSW-0, FSW-1, FSW-2, and the most modern being FSW-3.

All satellites were put in orbit using the Long March rockets, most of them by the CZ-2C type.

Successful achievement of landing technology (third in the World after USSR and USA) was the basis for the second Chinese manned spaceprogram (short period of 1978-1980) and current Shenzhou program (since 1992).

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* [ FSW at]

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