Infobox Computing signal
description = Virtual alarm clock (4.2BSD)
action = Abnormal termination of the process
On POSIX-compliant platforms, SIGVTALRM is the signal thrown by computer programs when a time limit has elapsed. In source code, SIGVTALRM is a symbolic constant defined in the header file signal.h. Symbolic signal names are used because signal numbers can vary across platforms.


"SIG" is a common prefix for signal names. "VTALRM" is an abbreviation for "virtual alarm".


SIGVTALRM is sent when a timer expires, like SIGPROF and the more popular SIGALRM. The distinction of SIGVTALRM is that its timer counts only time spent executing the process itself; SIGPROF measures time spent by the process and by the system executing on behalf of the process, while SIGALRM measures real time. It is suggestedFact|date=February 2007 that SIGPROF be used with SIGVTALRM to profile the time spent by the process in user space and kernel space.

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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