

Haketia (also written as Hakitia or Haquitía) is a largely extinct Jewish-Moroccan language, also known as "Djudeo Spañol" or "Ladino Occidental" (western Ladino), that was spoken on the Northeast coast of Morocco in Tetuan, Tangiers and the Spanish towns of Ceuta and Melilla, in the latter of which it has achieved partial official recognitionFact|date=April 2008.


The well-known form of Ladino, as formerly spoken by Jews living in the Balkans, Greece, Turkey and Jerusalem, is "Ladino Oriental" (eastern Ladino). Haketia may be described by contrast as "Ladino Occidental". The language is a mix of old Spanish, Hebrew, and Arabic words. It was originally written using Hebrew letters, but using Spanish grammar rules. There is some cultural resemblance between the two Judaeo-Spanish dialect communities, including a rich shared stock of "Romanzas" (ballads) from medieval Spain, though both words and music often differ in detail (as indeed they do between one Oriental-Sephardic community and another).

The name "Haketia" derived from the Arabic "ħaka" حكى, "tell", and is therefore pronounced with aspirated "H", reflecting the Arabic guttural "ħa". In some places it is written "Jaquetía" with the same pronunciation.

Haketia is considered to have influenced Llanito, the spoken in the British overseas territory of Gibraltar.

mall vocabulary

* Adandash Tradition.
* Adafinandash Jewish-Moroccan dish with cold cuts.
* Ainarándash Evil eye (from the Hebrew עין הרע.)
* Aiwa - So
* Ajshoma - Embarrassment.
* Alboronia or almoroniandash Jewish-Moroccan dish made with eggplant, onions and shredded chicken.
* Bienmesabendash Lit. "Tastes good to me"; a kind of sponge cake.
* Caído de mazal, demudado del mazal, enfollinado del mazal, kefreado del mazalndash All meaning bad luck.
* Chamor, Chamoricendash Dumb, dumbness! (From Hebrew Chamor (חמור)- Donkey)
* Chará, Charearndash Shit, and to shit (taboo).
* Darbeado, Darbeada - Crazy
* De las castas se traen las reinasndash From father to son.
* Dichoso, desdichadondash Lucky, unlucky, as in modern Spanish.
* Jalkeado - To be tired.
* Jamear - to understand, to "get it", as in, Ese no jamea nada - That guy doesn't get anything.
* Guezerá negrandash Big calamity.
* Hacer kabotndash To honor. (From the Hebrew Kavod כבוד )
* Hadrearndash To speak.
* Maklear - To eat.
* Paras - Money
* Sachen, sachenándash Man, woman. From the Hebrew "Sachen" (neighbor) שכן
* Sachor, sachorándash Black man, black woman. From the Hebrew שחור
* Selkea - Let it be, don't pay attention.
* Shikor - Drunk. From the Hebrew
* Shuf, Shufearndash To pay attention.
* Su boca en la rogerándash Don't say evil things!
* Tarnón, Tarnona - Idiot
* Xaxo, Totonandash Vagina (taboo).
* Wo - Death
* Wo por ti se hagandash Damn you!
* Ya que estás ai, kadmei y merkindash As you are here, help yourself.
* Zelif! - It's so cold!


* [http://www.legadosefardi.net/ladino.htm Ladino and Haketia]

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