Conceyu Xoven

Conceyu Xoven
Conceyu Xoven Flag

Conceyu Xoven ("Young Council" in Leonese) is a Spanish political youth organisation affiliated with Leonese People's Union in León and Zamora demanding the independence of the Leonese Country.

Conceyu Xoven have more than 1,500 members and it's the most important organization in the Leonese Country, winning the University of León elections for students[1] and promoting the Self-Government of the Spanish provinces of León, Zamora, Salamanca and territories from other ones as Valdeorras (Galicia), and the Portuguese District of Bragança. His General Secretary is Abel Pardo Fernández



Members of the movement have participated in various elections in provinces León and Zamora within regionalist UPL, where its General Secretary is the Lietenant Mayor for Education, New Technologies and Leonese Culture in Llión. They were also in the lists and Union of the People of Salamanca in the province of Salamanca, where there were two city councilors elected from Conceyu Xoven..


The flag of the movement is a red field with a thin golden circle and a golden device within, representing the colors of Leonese flag and a Celtic Sun represented the Cisastur people, origin of Leonese nation.


Conceyu Xoven uses Leonese language as the official of the organization, and have developed many initiatives for its recognition, like the campaign for the officiality of Leonese language in the reform of the Autonomy Statute.

See also


  1. ^ La Nuestra Tierra

External links

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