Lycos iQ

Lycos iQ

Lycos iQ is a community driven "human search" site by Lycos Europe GmbH. Users on iQ can post questions and answers in a similar manner to sites such as Yahoo Answers, Google Answers and

The primary navigation on iQ is based on a tagging system where users can use related tags to find more information on specific topics.

The tagging system is also used to look at related topics with a greater or narrower scope: for example, going from the “Theatre” tag to the “History” tag will open up a wider set of questions and answers, while going from the “Theatre” tag to the “Shakespeare” tag will narrow the focus of the information.

The Bookmarking facility allows users to store and share links to useful sites on LYCOS iQ in a similar method to This means that an iQ user can come back to LYCOS, log in and search the sites they have stored on the system – (all of which can be added into the tagging system so they can later referenced).

Further features include user ratings, personal profiles and peer review.

Users on iQ are ranked from “student” to “Einstein”.

Lycos iQ is currently available in the following languages - German, French, English, Danish and Swedish.

External links

* [ Lycos iQ Dutch Version]
* [ Lycos iQ English Version]
* [ Lycos iQ German Version]
* [ Lycos iQ French Version]
* [ Lycos iQ Danish Version (Jubii)]
* [ Lycos iQ Swedish Version (Spray)]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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