

The Husserliana is the complete works project of the philosopher Edmund Husserl, which was made possible by Herman Van Breda after he saved the manuscripts of Husserl. The Husserliana is published by the Husserl Archives of the Higher Institute of Philosophy of the Catholic University of Leuven. The "Husserliana" series are edited jointly by the current director of the Archives, Professor Rudolph Bernet, and Professor Ullrich Melle.

The Husserliana have been published first by Martinus Nijhoff, which was then acquired by Kluwer Academic Publishers and after the merger of Kluwer and Springer, is now published by Springer.

There are four series that go by the name of "Husserliana":
* "Husserliana: Edmund Husserl Gesammelte Werke"
* "Husserliana Dokumente"
* "Husserliana Materialien"
* "Husserliana Collected Works"

Husserliana: Edmund Husserl Gesammelte Werke

This is the main series in which Edmund Husserl's works are being edited. Volumes contain both previously published books and articles in a critical edition as well a selections from unpublished manuscripts conserved at the Husserl-Archives Leuven.

Husserliana Dokumente

This series contains mostly historical ana biographical volumes. It contains some of the most valuable tools for Husserl-research: the "Husserl-Chronik" and the "Briefwechsel", i.e. the complete edition of Husserl's correspondence, both edited by Karl Schuhmann. Also in this series has appeared the Husserl "Bibliography".

Husserliana Materialien

This series contains mostly lectures delivered by Husserl and other material which for thematic or other reasons does not really fit into the main critical edition series. Important publications in the "Materialien" have been Husserl's lectures on logic from 1896 and on "Urteilstheorie" (theory of judgment) from 1905. Recently the long awaited "C-Manuscripts" on time-consciousness have been made available in this series.

Husserliana Collected Works

The "Collected Works" is the series which contains official translations in English of material from the "Husserliana" series. It has served as an important vehicle to make some of Husserl's works accessible to the english-speaking world. Besides Husserl's "Ideas" also his early, pre-transcendental works have been translated and published in this series, such as Vol. X, containing the Philosophy of Arithmetic.

External links

* [ Official website of the Husserl-Archives Leuven]
** [ Husserliana]
** [ Husserliana Dokumente]
** [ Husserliana Materialien]
** [ Husserliana Collected Works]

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