- Archaeoceti
name = Archaeoceti
fossil_range =Eocene toMiocene (non-Autocetan)
image_width = 250px
image_caption =Pakicetus , one of the very first archeocetids
regnum =Animal ia
phylum = Chordata
classis =Mammal ia
ordo =Cetacea
subordo = Archaeoceti
subdivision_ranks = Families and Clades
subdivision = see textArchaeocetes, or "ancient whales", are a
paraphyletic group ofcetacean s that gave rise to the modern cetaceans. The Archaeocetes were once thought to have evolved from themesonychid s based on dental characteristics. However, recent studies in molecular genetics and non-dental morphology show that the first whales or the archaeoceti most likely evolved fromartiodactyl s (perhaps of the familyHippopotamidae which includes the modernHippopotamus ). The ancestors of archaeocetes probably diverged from the artiodactyls around the time of theCretaceous–Tertiary extinction event . Most archeocetes had hind limbs, suggesting that they were likely fully terrestrial. As theEocene epoch progressed the archaeocetes were becoming less terrestrial and more aquatic. Before the Eocene epoch came to an end, one group of archaeocetes, the basilosaurids, gave rise to early modern cetaceans. The Archaeocetes suffered a heavy loss of genera during theEocene-Oligocene extinction event , but some species survived into the Oligocene. The last archaeocetes became extinct in theOligocene , which was probably a basilosaurid. Another explanation is climate change; as Miocene progressed, the ocean became cooler and cooler. They may have become extinct in the combination of the two factors: competition andclimate change .Taxonomy and Phylogeny
* Superorder
** OrderCetacea
*** Suborder Archaeoceti
***** FamilyPakicetidae
****** Genus "Pakicetus "
****** Genus "Nalacetus "
****** Genus "Ichthyolestes "
***** FamilyAmbulocetidae
****** Genus "Ambulocetus "
****** Genus "Gandakasia "
****** Genus "Himalayacetus "
***** FamilyRemingtonocetidae
****** Genus "Andrewsiphius "
****** Genus "Attockicetus "
****** Genus "Dalanistes "
****** Genus "Kutchicetus "
****** Genus "Remingtonocetus "
***** Family Protocetidae
****** Genus "Rodhocetus "
***** SubfamilyIndocetinae
****** Genus "Protocetus "
****** Genus "Georgiacetus "
***** FamilyBasilosauridae
****** SubfamilyBasilosaurinae
******* Genus "Basilosaurus "
****** SubfamilyDorudontinae
******* Genus "Zygorhiza "
******* Genus "Dorudon
*** SuborderMysticeti
*** SuborderOdontoceti
**** (unranked)Squalodontoidea
***** Genus "Squalodon "Phylogeny
|--"Georgiacetus "
|--"Basilosaurus "
`--+--"Dorudon "
| |--Squalodontoidea
| | |--Squalodontidae
| | `--Rhabdosteidae
| `--Physeteroidea
`--Mysticeti `--Artiodactyla ee also
Evolution of cetaceans
*Cetartiodactyla References
External links
* [http://www.palaeos.com/Vertebrates/Units/520Cetartiodactyla/520.100.html#Pakicetidae Archaeoceti]
* [http://members.tripod.com/Dolphinity/archaeocetitekst.htm Archaeoceti and Basilosaurus]
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