- 3APL
:"For the radio station in Bacchus Marsh, Victoria, Australia; see
3APL (FM) ."An Abstract Agent Programming Language or Artificial Autonomous Agents Programming Language or 3APL (pronounced triple-A-P-L) is an experimentaltool andprogramming language for the development, implementation and testing of multiplecognitive agents using the Belief-Desire-Intention (BDI) approach. The newest incarnation of 3APL is2APL (A Practical Agent Programming Language).Overview
3APL was developed and is maintained by a team at the
computer science department of theUniversity of Utrecht in theNetherlands . It facilitates specification of cognitive agent behavior using actions, beliefs, goals, plans, and rules. It also allows inter-agent communication usingFIPA -like formalsemantic s. It has been subject to at least 15 papers and conferences, and at least 4 theses.Platform
The 3APL platform has a visual interface for the monitoring and
debug ging of agents being run therein, and asyntax -coloring editor forsource code editing. It has been released as a Java-basedsoftware , which comes with some specification Java interfaces that can be used to develop Java-basedplug-in s and libraries. These can be used to provide a visible representation of a virtual environment, for instance. A 3APL platform can also connect in client or server roles to other 3APL platforms across a network, to allowcommunication among 3APL agents on each platform. A lightweight version of 3APL formobile application s, named3APL-M "Toymaker ", has also been released.Language
The 3APL language is relatively simple. The syntax has basic
boolean logical operator s AND, OR and NOT, with IF-THEN-ELSEconditional statement s, and WHILE-DOcontrol flow loop structures. While temporaryvariable s cannot be created except by calling plug-in methods or belief/goal conditions, iterative counter loops can be constructed using a combination of WHILE-DO loops, beliefs and capabilities.A 3APL agent contains formal definitions of agent beliefs, capabilities, goals and plans. Specifically, there are six skeletal blocks that must be defined.
Prolog syntax, are used to remember information and to perform logicalcomputation s. Beliefs can be read by one another, edited by the capabilities, and read by conditional statements in the plans. The initial beliefs of an agent can be defined in its belief base.BELIEFBASE { status(standby). at(0,0). location(r1,2,4). location(r5,6,1). dirty(r1). dirty(r5).}Capabilities define the prerequisites and effects of actions in a
STRIPS -like format, reading preexisting beliefs, removing some using the NOT operator, and adding new ones by stating them.CAPABILITIES { {status(S1)} SetStatus(S2) {NOT status(S1), status(S2)}, {at(X1,Y1)} NowAt(X2,Y2) {NOT at(X1,Y1), at(X2,Y2)}, {dirty(R)} Clean(R) {NOT dirty(R)Goals are also defined using Prolog syntax, and new goals can be adopted during runtime. Initial goals are defined in the goal base.
GOALBASE { cleanRoom(r1). cleanRoom(r5).}Each goal ideally has associated goal planing rules, its PG rules, which serve as an abstract plans and are called from the goals as long as their guard conditions are met.
PG-RULES { cleanRoom(R) <- dirty(R) | { SetStatus(cleaning(R)); goTo(R); clean(R); SetStatus(standby);The PG rules in turn can call plan revision rules, or PR rules, which serve as subroutines, and can be called upon to execute lower level and/or repetitive tasks as long as their guard conditions are met. Initial plans are defined in the plan base, executed at the beginning of the
deliberation cycle.PLANBASE { SetStatus(started); }PR-RULES { goTo(R) <- location(R,X,Y) AND NOT at(X,Y) | { NowAt(X,Y); } clean(R) <- location(R,X,Y) AND at(X,Y) | { Clean(R);External methods may be called to access the environments modeled in the plug-ins. However,
parameter s cannot be directly passed to the methods, which means that the known environment must be correspondingly modeled in the agent's beliefs. The call returns a Prolog list, which can then be processed by the agent's ownpredicate logic .Java("JanitorWorld", moveNorth(), M);Agents can also communicate with one another using "Send" commands. When a piece of information X is sent with the performative P from agent A to agent B, the sending action is recorded in A's belief base as "sent(B,P,X)" and is registered in B's belief base as "received(A,P,X)".
3APL is available for
download at the University of Utrecht's 3APL website, packaged with sample lone and communicative agents, and a discrete multi-agent foreground environment plug-in calledBlockWorld .ee also
Autonomous agent
*Cognitive architecture
*Agent communication language Further reading
* [http://www.cs.uu.nl/3apl/download/java/userguide.pdf 3APL User Guide for Java version]
* [http://www.cs.uu.nl/3apl/deliberationcycle.pdf 3APL deliberation cycle]External links
* [http://www.cs.uu.nl/3apl/ 3APL Homepage]
* [http://www.cs.uu.nl/3apl-m/ 3APL-M Homepage]
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