

Treen may refer to:
*Treen (wooden), articles made of wood
*Treen, Cornwall, a village on the south coast of the Penwith peninsula in Cornwall, England
*Treen (Zennor), a hamlet near the north coast of the Penwith peninsula in Cornwall, England
**Treen Cove, a tidal beach near the hamlet of Treen on the north coast of the Penwith peninsula
*Treens, fictional aliens in the "Dan Dare" space stories
*North American burl treen, a type of Amerindian wood carving.
*David C. Treen, the first Republican governor of the U.S. state of Louisiana since Reconstruction
*Treene, a river and a place in Schleswig-Holstein in north Germany.
*Treen, at one time an administrative unit (a subdivision of a parish) in the Isle of Man

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  • Treen — Treen, a. [AS. tre[ o]wen.] 1. Made of wood; wooden. [Obs.] Treen cups. Camden. [1913 Webster] 2. Relating to, or drawn from, trees. [Obs.] Spenser. [1913 Webster] Treen liquors, especially that of the date. Evelyn. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Treen — Treen, obs. pl. of {Tree}. The shady treen. Fairfax. [1913 Webster] …   The Collaborative International Dictionary of English

  • Treen — Treen, kleiner Fluß in Schleswig, in Angeln aus der Kielstan u. Bodengane (Auefluß) sich bildend; trennt die Schwabstedter Geest von der Stapelholmer Marsch, fließt in drei Armen um Friedrichstadt u. geht hier in die Eider …   Pierer's Universal-Lexikon

  • treen — [trēn] n. [< obs. pl., trees or obs. adj., wooden < OE trēow, TREE] decorative objects, esp. antiques, made of wood: also treenware [trēnwer΄] n …   English World dictionary

  • Treen — David Connor Treen, Sr. (* 6. Juli 1928 in Baton Rouge, Louisiana) ist ein ehemaliger US amerikanischer Politiker. Er war von 1980 bis 1984 Gouverneur des Bundesstaates Louisiana. Außerdem vertrat er zwischen 1973 und 1980 seinen Staat im US… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • treen — /tree euhn/, adj. 1. made entirely of wood. n. 2. treenware. [bef. 1000; ME (adj.); OE treowen. See TREE, EN2] * * * ▪ woodenware       small wooden objects in daily domestic or farm use and in use in trades and professions. Treen includes a wide …   Universalium

  • Treen — This very interesting surname is recorded in several spellings including Trin, Treen, and Train. It has three possible origins, English, French and Scottish, and for any particular nameholder, only extensive genealogy could decide the true… …   Surnames reference

  • treen — noun, singular or plural in construction Etymology: treen wooden, from Middle English, from Old English trēowen, from trēow tree, wood Date: 1927 small woodenware called also treenware …   New Collegiate Dictionary

  • treen — /trin/ (say treen) noun a small article made of wood, especially an antique. {tree + en2} …  

  • treen — n. (treated as pl.) small domestic wooden objects, esp. antiques. Etymology: treen (adj.) wooden f. OE treowen (as TREE) …   Useful english dictionary

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