STØR Furnishings International Inc. was an American furniture chain based in Southern California that opened in 1987. It sold European-style furniture and ready-to-assemble furnishings. IKEA filed a lawsuit against the company shortly after opening, claiming copyright infringement, and was settled in 1988 with STØR being forced to change the layout of their stores and advertising.Fact|date=July 2007 Widely considered a knockoff of IKEA, the chain was acquired by IKEA in 1992. Currently, the Burbank location is the only former STØR location in operation as an IKEA. The Houston IKEA operated in the former STØR location until 2005 when IKEA built a new store on the same site.

The Houston STØR location was a franchised location. Upon the buyout by IKEA, the store continued operating under the same franchise agreement, to become one of the only franchised IKEA locations.

Former Locations

*City of Industry, California
*Tustin, California
*Torrance, California
*Burbank, California
*Irvine, California
*Houston, Texas

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