Vitali Milman

Vitali Milman

Vitali Davidovich Milman ( _he. ויטלי מילמן; _ru. Виталий Давидович Мильман) (born 1939) is a mathematician specializing in analysis. He is currently a professor at the Tel-Aviv University. In the past he was a President of the Israel Mathematical Union and a member of the “Aliyah” committee of Tel-Aviv University.

Milman received in Ph. D. at Kharkov State University in 1965 under the direction of Boris Levin. In a famous 1971 paper, V.M. gave a new proof of Dvoretzky's theorem, stating that everyconvex body in dimension N has a section of dimension "const log N" that is isomorphic to an ellipsoid. In this proof, V.M. put forth the concentration of measure phenomenon which has since found numerous applications.


He holds several important positions including being the advisor to the Israel Ministry of Science on the immigration of scientists, and a member of the European Mathematical Union. Milman received the Landau Prize in Mathematics in 2002 and the EMET prize in mathematics in 2007.

He is on the editorial boards of several reputed journals. He has published over 150 scientific publications, a monograph and eleven edited books. He has delivered lectures at many Universities such as MIT, IAS Princeton, Berkeley, IHES Paris, Cambridge.


Math runs in the Milman family. His father is the mathematician David Milman who devised the Krein-Milman theorem. [cite journal|author=I. Gohberg, M. S. Livšic, I. Piatetski-Shapiro|title=David Milman (1912–1982)|journal= Integral Equations and Operator Theory|volume=9|issue=1|year=1986|month=January|publisher=Birkhäuser Basel|url=|doi=10.1007/BF01257057|pages=ii] His brother is the mathematician Pierre Milman and his son is the young mathematician Emanuel Milman.


See also

* M-ellipsoid
* Milman's reverse Brunn-Minkowski inequality
* Needle decomposition
* Quotient of subspace theorem
* The Ramsey-Dvoretzky-Milman phenomenon

External links

* [ Vitali Milman's website]
*MathGenealogy |id=84603
* [ EMET prize announcement]

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