- Svenska Aero
Svenska Aero was a Swedish aircraft manufacturer on Hästholmen in
Lidingö . The company was foundedSeptember 10 1921 to license buildCaspar-Werke andHeinkel aircraft. The company was bought by ASJA in 1932.After
World War I , the German aircraft industry had several problems. German airlines was forbidden to operate multi engined aircraft and during a period all manufacturing of aircraft in Germany was banned. By 1921, some of the restrictions was lifted, civilian aircraft could be made after approval of an international control commission if they fulfilled certain requirements. In order to bypass these rules and to be able to make whatever aircraft they wanted several aircraft manufacturers moved abroad. In 1921,Carl Clemens Bücker handled the purchase of a reconnaissance aircraft fromCaspar-Werke inTravemünde . Because they expected problems due to the rules in the peace treaty regarding the export of German fighter aircraft Bücker explored the possibility to smuggle the parts out of Germany and assemble the aircraft in Sweden.To make the purchase easier,
Ernst Heinkel and Bücker started Svenska Aero in Lidingö 1921. The contract on the aircraft was transferred from Caspar to Svenska Aero.Heinkel and some German assembly workers temorarily moved to Lidingö to assemble the aircraft.Bücker, who at the time was hired as test pilot by the navy airforce at TDS ("Torpeddepartementet på flottans varv i Stockholm", Swedish for "the torpedo department at the navy's whafr in Stockholm"), quit to become CEO and the only board member of the new company. The first aircraft was assembled from components from Caspar-Werke in Travemünde. Some assembly was carried out at Svenska Aero's facilities, but they were finished by TDS some the facilities of Svenska was unsuitable for production. In reality only rudders and pontoons was made in Sweden, the rest of the components was secretly manufactured by Caspar in several locations in Germany to avoid detection of the allies. Duirng 1922 to 1923, the company moved into a former shipyard in Skärsätra on Lidingö since the company had received additional orders from the navy airforce. The parts for those aircraft was made in Sweden by Svenska Aero, but assembled by TDS. In 1928, the navy ordered four J 4 (Heinkel HD 19) as a fighter with pontoons. That delivery came to be the last license built aircraft by Svenska Aero.
In the mid 1920s, Svenska Aero created their own design department to be able to make their own aircraft models. Sven Blomberg, earlier employed by Heinkel Flugzeugwerke, was hired as head of design. In 1930, he was joined by Anders Johan Andersson from Messerschmitt. Despite that, Svenska Aero designed and made six different models on their own the manufacturing was not the success Bücker counted on. The airforce was only interested in buying prototypes and then building them themselves. in their workshops TDS and
CFM . This led to financial problems for the company and, in 1932, Bücker decided to sell the company with staff to ASJA for 250,000 SEK. After the company had been sold, Bücker returned to Germany and startedBücker Flugzeugbau . Also, A. J. Andersson joined the new company ad head of design. Together, they created several internationally well known aircraft likeBücker Bü 181 "Bestmann" andBücker Bü 133 "Jungmeister". At the outbreak ofWorld War II , Autumn 1939, Andersson returned to Sweden where he led the design of the twin engineSaab 18 .Including licence built and own designs Svenska Aero made a total of 58 aircraft. Seven was exported to
Latvia and one toNorway .The importance for the Swedish armed forces was greater than the number of manufactured aeroplanes may give the impression of. Between 1926 and 1932, the airforce bought 15 different types of aircraft, of them eight came from Svenska Aero.License built
Heinkel He 1 Hansa Brandenburg type 31 (military designation S 2) earlier called Caspar S.I
*Heinkel He 1 Hansa Brandenburg type 32 (military designation S 2)
*Heinkel He 2 Hansa Brandenburg type 42 (military designation S 3) earlier called HE S.II (4 made)
*Heinkel He 4 Hansa Brandenburg type 47 (military designation S 4) tidigare benämnt HE S.IIa (5 made)
*Heinkel He 5 Hansa (military designation S 5) (14 made)
*Heinkel He 19 (military designation J 4) (5 made)
*Heinkel He 24 (military designation Sk 4) (6 made)
*Heinkel HD 35 trainer (military designation Sk 5) (1 made)Designed and built
*Svenska Aero SA-10 Piraten (military designation Ö 7) (2 made)
*Svenska Aero SA-11 Jaktfalken (military designation J 5) (1 made)
*Svenska Aero SA-12 Skolfalken (military designation Sk 8) (1 made)
*Svenska Aero SA-13 Övningsfalken (military designation Ö 8) (1 made)
*Svenska Aero SA-14 Jaktfalken II (military designation J 6) (11 made)
*Svenska Aero SA-15 prototype (military designation S 8) manufactured by ASJAAircraft sold by Svenska Aero made by Casper/Heinkel
*Heinkel He 3
*Heinkel HD 14
*Heinkel HD 16 (military designation T-1)
*Heinkel HD 33
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