İslâm III. Giray — (* 1604; † 1654) war ab 1644 Khan des Krimkhanats. Leben İslâm wurde als Sohn von Khan Selâmet I. Giray 1604 geboren. Im Jahre 1644 ernannte ihn der Suzerän des Krimkhanats, Sultan İbrahim des Osmanischen Reiches, zum Nachfolger seines Bruders… … Deutsch Wikipedia
İslâm III Giray — (tártaro de Crimea: III İslâm Geray, ۳اسلام گراى; 1604 1654) fue el trigésimo kan del Kanato de Crimea, dándose su reinado en el periodo comprendido entre 1644 … Wikipedia Español
Mehmed IV Giray — Sufi (Sofu) (Crimean Tatar: IV Mehmed Geray, ۴محمد كراى; Sofu Mehmed Geray, صوفى محمد كراى) (1610–1674) a khan of the Crimean Khanate in 1641 –1644 and 1654–1656. Supporter of the Polish Lithuanian Commonwealth. His nickname Sofu means Sufi in… … Wikipedia
Devlet II Giray — (* 1648 † 1718) was Crimean Khan in 1699 1702 and 1709 1713. He occupied the throne between the board and Qaplan I Giray. The eldest son was Selim II Giray. First Rule (1699 1702) Devlet II Giray. Selim I Giray, after his retirement in 1699… … Wikipedia
Devlet I Giray — (Crimean Tatar: I Devlet Geray, ۱دولت كراى; Taht Alğan Devlet Geray, تخت آلغان دولت كراى) (1512–1577) was a khan of the Crimean Khanate during whose long reign (1551–1577) the khanate rose to the pinnacle of its power. During the reign of his… … Wikipedia
Meñli I Giray — (centre) with the eldest son, future khan Mehmed I Giray (left) and Ottoman sultan Bayezid II (right) Meñli I Giray (Crimean Tatar: I Meñli Geray, ۱منكلى كراى) (1445–1515), also spelled as Mengli I Giray, was a khan of the … Wikipedia
Hacı I Giray — Angel (Melek) (Crimean Tatar: I Hacı Geray, ۱خاجى كراى; Melek Hacı Geray, ملک خاجى كراى) (died 1466) was the founder and the first ruler of the Crimean Khanate. He is sometimes referred to as Hacı Devlet Giray or Devlet Hacı Giray. He is said… … Wikipedia
Selamet Ier Giray — (né vers 1556 mort en 1610) Khan de Crimée de 1608 à 1610 Origine Selamet Giray est le dernier fils de Devlet Ier Giray. Il vivait à Constantinople où il était devenu le favori du Capitan Pacha Hafiz Ahmed. Règne Ğazı II Giray avait obtenu du… … Wikipédia en Français
Ğazı II Giray — Ğazı ou Ghazi II Giray Bora (i.e: Tempête) (mort en mars 1608) Khan de Crimée de 1588 à 1596 et de 1596 à 1608 . Sommaire 1 Origine et jeunesses 2 Règne 3 Postérité … Wikipédia en Français
Saadet Ier Giray — Saadet Ier Giray (né vers 1492/1494 mort à Constantinople en 1539) Khan de Crimée de 1524 à 1532. Sommaire 1 Origine 2 Règne 3 Notes et références … Wikipédia en Français