2202 Pele

2202 Pele

Minor Planet
name=2202 Pele
discoverer=Arnold Richard Klemola
discovery_date=September 7, 1972
designations=1972 RA
category=Main belt (Mars crosser)
epoch=June 14, 2006 (JD 2453900.5)
semimajor=342.980 Gm (2.293 AU)
perihelion=167.625 Gm (1.121 AU)
aphelion=518.336 Gm (3.465 AU)
period=1267.986 d (3.47 a)
speed=18.31 km/s
dimensions=0.9–2.0 km
mass=7.6–84.0e|11 kg
density=2.0? g/cm³
gravity=0.0003–0.0006 m/s²
escape_velocity=0.0005–0.0011 km/s
rotation=? d
temperature=~181 K

2202 Pele is an asteroid. It is a Mars-crosser asteroid, that is, this type of asteroid's orbit crosses the orbit of Mars. It is an Amor asteroid, that is, this type of asteroid approaches the orbit of Earth from beyond, but does not cross it. It is therefore a Near-Earth asteroid.

ee also

* Asteroid
* Pele, is a Polynesian (specifically: Hawaiian) goddess of fire, lightning, dance, volcanoes and violence, who lives on Kilauea.
* Pelé, a Brazilian football (soccer) player who won World Cup three times.

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