The Monitor — is the name of several publications worldwide * The Monitor (Kirksville, MO) , an alternative newspaper at Truman State University * The Monitor (Montenegro) , a news magazine published in Podgorica * The Monitor (Texas) , a newspaper covering… … Wikipedia
The Monitor — ist eine der beiden großen nationalen Tageszeitungen in Uganda neben New Vision. Die Auflage beträgt etwa 20.000 und der Sitz ist in Kampala. Die Zeitung wurde 1992 als unabhängige Zeitung von sechs Journalisten begründet. Im Oktober 2002 wurde… … Deutsch Wikipedia
Uganda National Rescue Front — The Uganda National Rescue Front (UNRF), refers to two former armed rebel groups in Uganda s West Nile sub region that first opposed, then became incorporated into the Ugandan government. UNRFThe first Uganda National Rescue Front was formed to… … Wikipedia
Uganda National Cultural Centre — The Uganda National Cultural Centre (UNCC) is a Ugandan statutory body that was established by the Uganda National Cultural Centre Act, a 1959 Act of Parliament (amended 1965). Officially inaugurated on 2 December 1959, it is charged with:… … Wikipedia
Uganda — Jamhuri ya Uganda (Swahili) Republic of Uganda (Englisch) Republik Uganda … Deutsch Wikipedia
Uganda — Ugandan, adj., n. /yooh gan deuh, ooh gahn /, n. an independent state in E Africa, between the NE Democratic Republic of the Congo and Kenya: member of the Commonwealth of Nations; formerly a British protectorate. 20,604,874; 91,065 sq. mi.… … Universalium
Uganda People's Defence Force — Military of Uganda Flag of Uganda Service branches Land forces, Air Wing (plus paramilitary forces) Headquarters Kampala, Uganda … Wikipedia
Uganda — Ugạn|da; s: Staat in Afrika. * * * Ugạnda, Kurzinformation: Fläche: 241 038 km2 Einwohner: (2000) 23,3 Mio. Hauptstadt: Kampala Amtssprachen: Englisch, Suaheli Nationalfeiertag: 9. 10 … Universal-Lexikon
Uganda People's Congress — The Uganda People s Congress (UPC) is a political party in Uganda. Uganda People s Congress was founded in 1955 by Milton Obote, who later served two presidential terms under the party s banner. Obote was still party leader at the time of his… … Wikipedia
Uganda Human Rights Commission — The Uganda Human Rights Commission (UHRC) serves to monitor and advance human rights in Uganda.The UHRC is a body established under the 1995 Constitution Article 51 under the Bill of Rights found in Chapter four of the Constitution. It is based… … Wikipedia