Riverside Park and Zoo

Riverside Park and Zoo

Infobox zoo
zoo_name=Riverside Park and Zoo
location=Scottsbluff, Nebraska, USA
area=23 acres [http://www.riversidezoo.com/zoosite/miscpages/animalcollection.html AnimalCollection ] ] (93,000 m²)
num_animals=200+ [http://www.riversidezoo.com/zoosite/miscpages/animalcollection.html AnimalCollection ] ]
num_species=73 [http://www.riversidezoo.com/zoosite/miscpages/animalcollection.html AnimalCollection ] ]

Riverside Park and Zoo is a park and zoo complex along the North Platte River in Scottsbluff, Nebraska, USA.

Riverside Park is Scottsbluff's city park, and has the only zoo in Western Nebraska. Riverside Park features three lakes with many different camping and recreation areas as well as a riverside trail which runs along the banks of the North Platte River. Riverside Zoo also offers an enriching botanical experience with over 30 garden spots bursting with the blooms of the season. [http://www.riversidezoo.com/index.html]


The Riverside Zoo has a unique collection of over 200 animals representing 73 different species, in various exhibits.

North American Grasslands

Contains animals once common in the Grasslands of North America:
* American Bison ("Bison bison")
* Mule Deer ("Odocoileus hemionus")
* Pronghorn Antelope ("Antilocapra americana")
* Sandhill Crane ("Grus canadensis")

lither Inn

The reptile house that has various snakes and lizards from around the world:
* Western hog-nosed snake ("Heterodon nasicus")
* Leopard Gecko ("Eublepharis macularius")
* Carpet Python
* Bearded Dragon
* Blue-tongued lizard

Raptor Row

Contains a collection of various raptors:
* Bald Eagle ("Haliaeetus leucocephalus")
* Turkey Vulture {"Cathartes aura")
* Great Horned Owl ("Cathartes aura")
* Swainson's Hawk ("Buteo swainsoni")


A walk through aviary containing birds from around the world:
* Black-crowned Night Heron ("Nycticorax nycticorax")
* Yellow-crowned Night Heron ("Nycticorax violaceus")
* Waldrapp Ibis ("Geronticus eremita")
* Speckled Pigeon ("Columba guinea")
* Chukar Partridge ("Alectoris chukar")
* Mandarin Duck ("Aix galericulata")

Rainforest Discovery Center

An area dedicated to some of the smaller animals of the rainforest:
*Emperor Tamarin ("Saguinus imperator")
*Golden-headed Lion Tamarin ("Leontopithecus chrysomelas")
*Guira Cuckoo ("Guira guira")
*Green Tree Python ("Morelia viridis")
*Chilean rose hair tarantula ("Grammostola rosea")
*Green Aracari ("Pteroglossus viridis")
*Amazon parrot
*Prehensile-tailed porcupine

Chimpanzee Building

Home of the areas chimpanzee and other unique creatures:
*American Alligator ("Alligator mississippiensis")
*Naked Mole Rat ("Heterocephalus glaber")
*Meerkat ("Suricata suricatta")
*Red-eared slider ("Trachemys scripta elegans")
*North African crested porcupine ("Hystrix cristata")

Cat Complex

Home to various big cats:
*Bengal Tiger ("Panthera tigris tigris")
*Mountain Lion ("Puma concolor")
*Black Leopard ("Panthera pardus")
*Lion ("Panthera leo")

Primate Building

Contains a small collection of primates:
*Spider monkey

African Veldt

Contains just a few of the many African hoofstock:
* Waterbuck ("Kobus ellipsiprymnus")
* Zebra

Children's Zoo

A child friendly area that contains many animals children love:
*Donkey {"Equus asinus")
*Emu ("Dromaius novaehollandiae")
*Pot-bellied pig

Miscellaneous Exhibits

There are other animals that are not included in any of the aforementioned exhibits:
*Red Panda {"Ailurus fulgens")
*Binturong ("Arctictis binturong")
*Swift Fox ("Vulpes velox")
*King Vulture ("Sarcorhamphus papa")
*Cinereous Vulture ("Aegypius monachus")
*Wattled Crane ("Bugeranus carunculatus")
*Moose ("Alces alces")
*Swinhoe Pheasant ("Ithaginis swinhoii")


The Riverside Zoo is actively involved in the Survival Species Program for various species of imperiled wildlife on display. The Riverside Zoo is also actively cooperating with the International Recovery and Management Committee for Golden Headed Lion Tamarin. The zoo is currently home to a breeding pair of Lion Tamarins and their first offspring has been put into trusteeship of the Brazilian government. [http://www.riversidezoo.com/zoosite/miscpages/conservation.html]

The zoo and park is located a half mile west of Nebraska Highway 71.


External links

* [http://www.riversidezoo.com Riverside Park and Zoo]

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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