Duško Sikirica

Duško Sikirica

Duško Sikirica (born March 23, 1964, Cirkin Polje, Prijedor, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Yugoslavia) is a Bosnian Serb who was charged with genocide, crimes against humanity, and violations of the customs of war by the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY) for his actions as the commander of the Keraterm camp.

He was transferred to the ICTY on June 25, 2000. He was tried along with Damir Došen and Dragan Kolundžija. Sikirica originally pleaded not guilty to all charges. Later, as part of a plea deal, he pleaded guilty to one charge of persecutions as a crime against humanity. He was sentenced to fifteen years in jail. Since 2002 he has served his jail time in Austria.

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