Episclera — A thin membrane that covers the sclera (the white of the eye). Epi is a prefix from the Greek that means on, upon, at, by, near, over, on top of, toward, against, among. Episclera = on top of the sclera. * * * The connective tissue between the… … Medical dictionary
episclera — epi·sclera … English syllables
episclera — n. the outermost covering of the sclera of the eye, which provides nutritional support to the sclera … The new mediacal dictionary
episclera — |epə̇, |epē+ noun ( s) Etymology: New Latin, from epi + sclera : the layer of connective tissue between the conjunctiva and the sclerotic coat of the eye … Useful english dictionary
Episcleritis — Inflammation of the episclera, a thin membrane that covers the sclera (the white of the eye). Episcleritis is typically benign, easily treated with topical antiinflammatory drops, and usually soon resolved. * * * Inflammation of the episcleral… … Medical dictionary
episcleral — 1. Upon the sclera. 2. Relating to the episclera. * * * epi·scler·al skler əl adj 1) situated upon the sclerotic coat of the eye 2) of or relating to the episclera * * * epi·scle·ral (ep″ĭ sklerґəl) 1. overlying the sclera. 2. of… … Medical dictionary
episcleral — “+ adjective Etymology: epi + scleral 1. : situated upon the sclerotic coat of the eye 2. [New Latin episclera + English al] : of or relating to the episclera … Useful english dictionary
ep|i|scle|ri|tis — «EHP uh sklih RY tihs», noun. inflammation of the episclera. ╂[< episclera + itis] … Useful english dictionary
эписклера — (lamina episcleralis, LNH; episclera; эпи + склера) наружный рыхлый слой склеры, в котором проходят кровеносные сосуды … Большой медицинский словарь
Sclera — Infobox Anatomy Name = PAGENAME Latin = GraySubject = 225 GrayPage = 1006 Caption = Schematic diagram of the human eye. |yuck Caption2 = Width = 325 Precursor = System = Artery = anterior ciliary arteries, long posterior ciliary arteries, short… … Wikipedia