Stoned (computer virus)

Stoned (computer virus)

Stoned is the name of a boot sector computer virus created in 1987, apparently in New Zealand. [cite journal
title=Marijuana Virus wreaks havoc in Australian Defence Department
journal=The Risks Digest
date=14 August, 1989
] It was one of the very first viruses, and was, along with its many variants, very common and widespread in the early 1990s. [cite web
title=F-Secure Virus Descriptions : Stoned

When an infected computer started, there was a one in eight probability that the screen would declare:

Your PC is now Stoned!

The phrase is found in infected boot sectors of infected floppy disks and master boot records of infected hard disks along with the phrase "Legalise Marijuana".

Original version

The original version appears to have been written by someone with experience only with IBM PC 360KB floppy drives, as it misbehaves on the IBM AT 1.2MB floppy, or on systems with more than 96 files in the root directory. On hard disks, the original master boot record is moved to cylinder 0, head 0, sector 7. On floppy disks, the original boot sector is moved to cylinder 0, head 1, sector 3. Cylinder 0, head 1, sector 3 is the last directory sector on 360 Kb disks, and the author believed that it was "safe" to overwrite. The virus will "safely" overwrite the boot sector unless the root directory has more than 96 files.

On higher capacity disks, such as 1.2 MB disks, the original boot sector may overwrite a portion of the directory.

The virus is also known as Australian, Bloody!, Brunswick, Epbr, Hawaii, Hemp, Hong Kong, Lisa2, Marijuana, Monkey, Monkey 2, New Zealand, NOP, San Diego, Sanded, Sex Revolution, Smithsonian, Stonehenge, W-Boot, Whit, and Zapper.


Since it is easy to patch the messages seen, there are many variants of Stoned.


The virus has the string "Bloody! Jun. 4, 1989". On this date the Tiananmen Square protests were suppressed by the People's Republic of China.

wedish Disaster

The virus has the string "The Swedish Disaster".


Manitoba has no activation routine and does not store the original boot sector on floppies; Manitoba simply overwrites the original boot sector. 2.88MB EHD floppies are corrupted by the virus.

Manitoba uses 2KB memory while resident.

NoInt/Bloomington/Stoned III

NoInt tries to stop programs from detecting it. This causes read errors if the computer tries to access the partition table. Systems infected with NoInt have a decrease of 2 kB in base memory.


Flame uses 1 kB of DOS memory. Flame stores the original boot sector or master boot record at cylinder 25, head 1, sector 1 regardless of the media.

Flame saves the current month of the system when it is infected. When the month changes, Flame displays colored flames on the screen and overwrites the master boot record.


Angelina has stealth mechanisms. On hard disks, the original master boot record is moved to cylinder 0, head 0, sector 9.

Angelina contains the following text: "Greetings from ANGELINA!!!/by Garfield/Zielona Gora" (Zielona Góra is a Polish town). The text is never displayed by the virus.

In October 1995 Angelina was discovered in new Seagate Technology 5850 (850MB) IDE drives. The drives were still factory sealed.fact|date=July 2008

In 2007, a batch of Medion laptops sold through Aldi chain were found to have Stoned.Angelina already present on the preinstalled Windows Vista operating system. [cite web |url= |title=Boot virus shipped on German laptops |accessdate=2008-01-08 |work= Virus Bulletin]

Other variants

*June 4th.a
*Sex Revolution 1.1 and 2
*Swedish Disaster
*Noint (Bloomington)
*Dani ela
*Dinamo Empire.INT.10.b
*No INT.a

Several other variants include:
* b, c, d, e
*In love
*WD1 to WD7.


* []

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