

A tergum (plural terga, associated adjective tergal) is the dorsal portion of an arthropod segment other than the head. The anterior edge is called the "base" and posterior edge is called the "apex" or "margin". A given tergum may be divided into several plates, called tergites. (Lateral extension of the dorsal aspect of a tergite are called "paranota".) So, for example, in a thoracic segment, the tergum may be divided into an anterior notum and a posterior scutellum.

In crustaceans, it is known as a pleuron when it overhangs the insertion of the limb on each side as a free plate.

The ventral portion of a segment is called the sternum.

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  • tergum — n.; pl. terga [L. tergum, back] (ARTHROPODA) The dorsal surface of any body segment …   Dictionary of invertebrate zoology

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  • tergum — noun (plural terga) Etymology: New Latin, from Latin, back Date: circa 1826 the dorsal part or plate of a segment of an arthropod • tergal adjective …   New Collegiate Dictionary

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