Dru Ha

Dru Ha

Drew Friedman is a co-founder and the CEO of Duck Down Records. He along with Buckshot helped to build the Boot Camp Clik empire.

In 2007, members of his label were featured on [http://www.itshiphop.tv/shows/thebreakdown/2/12 The Breakdown] a show on [http://www.itshiphop.tv ItsHipHop.tv] where they discussed their individual projects, their paths in hip-hop, and other key topics.

External links

* [http://www.duckdown.com Duckdown Records]
* [http://www.bootcampclik.net Boot Camp Clik] Official fan network.
* [http://www.itshiphop.tv/shows/thebreakdown/2/12 ItsHipHop.tv Video Interview]

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  • dru — dru, drue [ dry ] adj. • 1080; gaul. °drûto « fort, vigoureux » 1 ♦ Qui présente des pousses serrées et vigoureuses. ⇒ épais, fourni, serré, touffu. Herbe haute et drue. Les blés sont drus cette année. Par anal. « sa beauté de jeune dieu, que… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

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