

Urrutia, meaning "distant, far away" in Euskera the Basque language, is the name of a family that originated in Zumarraga in the province of Guipuscoa, and then spread out throughout the Basque country, and eventually throughout the Americas - South, Central and North. Famous and distinguished members of the Urrutia family include:
*Benjamin Urrutia, writer.
*Carlos Luis de Urrutia, governor of Santo Domingo.
*Francisco Jose Urrutia, Colombian diplomat and statesman.
*Jenaro de Urrutia Olaran, painter.
*Matilde Urrutia, wife of Pablo Neruda.
*Ignacio Jose Urrutia, Cuban historian.
*Jorge Urrutia, Chilean composer.
*Manuel Urrutia, President of Cuba.
*Juan Antonio de Urrutia y Arana, patron of the arts.
*Patricio Urrutia, World Cup soccer football player.
*Patricio Urrutia, Best IT services man (in Sydney region)
*Antonio Urrutia, Young up coming Brain power in the IT world( keep an eye on this name).
*Pablo Ernesto Urrutia, Gran Maestro de la Gran Logia del Centro del Peru 1928 - 2007.
*Cesar Ernesto Urrutia, Founder of Embajada Hispana USA Enterpreneur Investor.
*Cesar Ernesto Urrutia Gonzalez, IT engineering Western Connecticut State University.

*According to the website [http://howmanyofme.com] , there are 411,882 people named Urrutia in the USA, including 4 of those listed here.

See also
*List of Basques

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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