- Careerscope
CareerScope is a standardized and timed interest and
aptitude assessment for career guidance. The system is widely used in schools, job training programs and in rehabilitation agencies and has been validated against widely recognized criteria. CareerScope delivers an objective assessment (as opposed to subjective self-assessment) that is written at a fourth-grade reading level. The process is student or client self-administered and takes one hour (self-timed - interest & aptitude assessments can be split into shorter sessions). The system generates counselor and client/student report versions. Career recommendations can be generated that are consistent with the Guide for Occupational Exploration, the Dictionary of Occupational Titles, O*NET as well as the U.S. DOECareer Clusters and Pathways. It was designed and developed by the nonprofit Vocational Research Institute.Specific aptitudes assessed by CareerScope
General Learning Ability
* Verbal Aptitude
* Numerical Aptitude
* Spatial Aptitude
* Form Perception
* Clerical PerceptionSpecific interest categories assessed by CareerScope
Artistic . . . Plants/Animals . . . Mechanical . . . Business Detail . . . Accommodating . . . Lead/Influence . . . Scientific . . . Protective . . . Industrial . . . Selling . . . Humanitarian . . . Physical Performing
External links
* [http://www.vri.org Vocational Research Institute]
* [http://www.theworksuite.com/careerscopetraining.html CareerScope Training Web Site]
* [http://www.theworksuite.com/id30.html Background and Structure of Career Clusters]
* [http://www.careerscope.co.in CareerScope]
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.