- Türkü
Türkü is a name given to songs in
Turkish folk music .Türküs can be grouped into two categories according to their melodies:
* Kırık havalar: These have regular melodies. Following subtypes belong to this category: deyiş, koşma, semah, tatyan, barana, zeybek,horon ,halay , bar, bengi, sallama, güvende,oyun havası , karşılama, ağırlama, peşrev, teke zortlatması, gakgili havası, dımıdan, zil havası, fingil havası.
* Uzun havalar: There have irregular melodies. Following subtypes belong to this category: barak,bozlak , gurbet havası, yas havası, tecnis, boğaz havası, elagözlü, maya, hoyrat, divan, yol havası, yayla havası, mugam,gazel ,uzun hava (is used for the ones which doesn't fit into any other subtype)
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