In linguistic typology, SVO-p - Subject, Verb, Object, present tense is a sentence structure where the agent comes first, the verb second, and the object third and staying in the present.

SVO-p is a syntax: S-ubject, V-erb, O-bject, -p-resent tense. Putting your thoughts in SVO-p helps straighten out your thinking.Fact|date=March 2008 The form requires definition of who is acting, what they are doing and to whom. It requires placing the thought in the now.


Non SVO-p

"The people who write articles for wikipedia 'are to be congratulated'"

"Puts the congratulations out in the non-existing future and also hides the identity of the congratulator."


"I congratulate the writers who write articles for wikipedia"

"Identifies the user and places the action in the now."

Non SVO-p

"I've yet to meet anyone who has given me a straight answer."


"People don't give me straight answers."

ee also

* Topic-prominent language
* Agent Object Verb
* Verb Agent Object

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