Jean Mutsinzi

Jean Mutsinzi

Jean Mutsinzi is a Judge of the African Court on Human and Peoples' Rights.


* Position at Time of Election: Justice of the Supreme Court of Justice since 2003

Other positions held

* Member, Council of the Wise, Rwanda Association of Jurists
* Senior Lecturer in Private International Law, Kigali Independent University
* Executive Secretary, Legal and Constitutional Commission of the Rwanda Republic (2000-2003)
* Judge, COMESA Court of Justice (2001)
* President, Superior Council of the Judiciary (1995-1999)
* President, Supreme Court of Justice (1995-1999)
* Secretary of the African Commission on Human and Peoples' Rights (1989-1994)
* Chief Legal Adviser, Organization of African Unity (1982-1995)
* Private Practitioner, Zaire (1966-1982)
* Lecturer in Public and Private International Law, International Organizations and Maritime and Air Law at the University of Zaire, Faculty of Social, Political and Economic Sciences (1966-1982)
* Director of Research, University of Brussels (1964-1966)

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