Linda Smith — (* 16. Juli 1950 in La Junta, Colorado) ist eine US amerikanische Politikerin. Zwischen 1995 und 1999 vertrat sie den Bundesstaat Washington im US Repräsentantenhaus. Werdegang Linda Smith besuchte unter anderem die Fort Vancouver High School i … Deutsch Wikipedia
Linda Hirshman — Linda Redlick Hirshman (born April 26, 1944 in Cleveland, Ohio) is a lawyer, feminist, and the author of The Woman s Guide to Law School and Hard Bargains: The Politics of Sex . She is a retired Distinguished professor of Philosophy and Women s… … Wikipedia
Charles E. Summers, Jr. — Charles E. Charlie Summers, Jr. (born 1959 in Danville, Illinois) is a Maine politician and the Secretary of State of Maine. He is also a small businessperson and veteran of Iraq War. He was the Republican candidate for United States Congress in… … Wikipedia
Paige Summers — as Pet of the Year, on the cover of the January 1998 issue of Penthouse Paige Summers (born Nancy Ann Coursey on July 21, 1976 in Lorain, Ohio, USA, died September 22, 2003)[1] was an American adult model … Wikipedia
List of Playboy Playmates of 1972 — The following is a list of Playboy Playmates of 1972. Playboy magazine names their Playmate of the Month each month throughout the year. January Main article: Marilyn Cole Marilyn Cole Playmate of the Year 1973 Preceded by … Wikipedia
Liste der Playmates (US-amerikanische Ausgabe) — Dies ist eine Liste aller Playmates, die in der Originalausgabe des Herrenmagazins Playboy abgebildet wurden. Playmates des Jahres sind farblich hervorgehoben. Inhaltsverzeichnis 1 1953–1955 2 1956–1960 3 1961–1965 … Deutsch Wikipedia
Playmates — Anexo:Playmates Saltar a navegación, búsqueda En este artículo se listan las diferentes modelos que han protagonizado el póster central de la revista Playboy de forma cronológica y no alfabética. Contenido 1 Años 1953 a 1959 2 Años 1960 a 1969 3 … Wikipedia Español
List of Playboy Playmates of the Month — Models who have appeared in the American edition of Playboy magazine and were named Playmate of the Month. Contents 1 1953 1959 2 1960 1969 3 1970 1979 4 1980 1989 … Wikipedia
Anexo:Playmates — En este artículo se listan las diferentes modelos que han protagonizado el póster central de la revista Playboy de forma cronológica y no alfabética. Contenido 1 Años 1953 a 1959 2 Años 1960 a 1969 3 Años 1970 a 1979 … Wikipedia Español
Liste Des « Playmates » Des Années 1970 — La Playmate of the Month, ou Miss, est une femme désignée chaque mois par le magazine Playboy. Elle apparaît sur le dépliant central du magazine, appelé centerfold. La Playmate of the Year est quant à elle désignée chaque année parmi les 12… … Wikipédia en Français