People's Political Power of Canada
- People's Political Power of Canada
party_name = People’s Political Power Party
party_wikicolourid = Labour
status = active
class = fed
leader = Roger Poisson
headquarters = 107 Marion Street Winnipeg, Manitoba, R2H 0T2 Canada
president = Shirley Roulette
foundation = 2006
dissolution =
ideology = Populism, Aboriginal rights, Social conservatism
int_alignment = none
colours = Red, pink, yellow
seats_house = 0 House, 0 Senate
website = []
People’s Political Power Party of Canada (PPP) is a Canadian universal federal political party officially recognized by Elections Canada. The party became eligible for registration on April 26, 2006. [ [ Elections Canada Listing] ]
According to its political platform, the party is neither socialist or democratic, rather is a "Centre party to first bring value as top priority to woman, the mother, mothers to-be, mothers that were." The party further intends to "remove" poverty, that "Canada will never become a military zone," and that it "will bring back the seventh day as a family day". In terms of environmental issues, the party believes that "there is no reason for over population, much less of poverty. When you bring respect for women in the family, you have all these problems resolved, abortion and all." [ [ People's Political Power Party of Canada: Policies and their Purpose] ]
The party has registered two candidates for the 2008 federal election.
Election results
External links
* [ People's Political Power of Canada homepage]
ee also
*List of political parties in Canada
*Poverty in Canada
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