Ricardo N. Degrossi

Ricardo N. Degrossi

Ricardo Degrossi (born December 24, 1943 in Buenos Aires, Argentina) showed an interest in painting and sculpture from a young age. His love for creating in three dimensions caused him to pursue two career paths: one as an artist and the other as a mechanical engineer. Today, he is Chief of Product Engineering for Franz Viegener (FV).

Degrossi has participated in a wide variety of art showcases and competitions, and has shown his art in several galleries. He paints both urban scenes and landscapes.

Currently, he studies under two Argentine artists: César Noveletto, disciple of Roca, Marsal and Oscar Vas, and painter Elvira Chappo, in her workshop located in Olivos.

External links

* [http://ricardodegrossi.bravehost.com/arte.swf Personal Site]
* [http://www.artebraque.com.ar/primer%20salon%20aniversario/salon%20aniversario.htm Braque - Art Gallery]
* [http://www.artebraque.com.ar/primer%20salon%20aniversario/ricardo%20de%20grossi%20mujer%20mencion.htm Braque - Mention of work]
* [http://www.ccgsm.gov.ar/detalle.php?mes=&anio=&id_actividad=1199 Art in the Company] - Centro Cultural General San Martín

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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