Good ol' boy network

Good ol' boy network

"Good ol' boy" describes a system of social networking and perceptions alleged to exist prevalently among certain communities and social strata in the United States. Although the term originated in the South, these networks can be found throughout the U.S. and the rest of the Western world. It is typically taken to refer to informal legal, judicial, social, religious, business, and political associations among white males ("good ol' boys"); however, in modern times can be composed of either or both sexes. In some areas, the good ol' boy network is said to still exert considerable influence over many aspects of local government, business, and law enforcement. Usage of the term can often imply a wrongful exclusion of others from the network; however, often the emphasis is on inclusion of a member, as in, "doing a good ol' boy a favor".

Some negative effects of the good ol' boy network are its exclusion of others, leading to leaders of a community possibly limiting business transactions to other elites, or to friends or acquaintances from within the network, to give friends better deals, and generally to reinforce traditional power structures over any other elements in the society.

Perceptions of religious and racial prejudice also endure, and the good ol' boy network is sometimes seen as unique to WASPs (White Anglo-Saxon Protestants), with Catholics, Jews, and minority groups excluded. The network also functions like any other social network inasmuch as governmental, business, and professional connections and concessions often develop via mutual friendships and introductions established through the network.

ee also

*Old boy network
*Good ol' boy
*Fraternal organization
*The Man

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