- Howea forsteriana
image_caption = "H. forsteriana" in habitat
status = VU
status_system = iucn2.3
regnum =Plantae
unranked_divisio =Angiosperms
unranked_classis =Monocots
unranked_ordo =Commelinids
ordo =Arecales
familia =Arecaceae
subfamilia =Arecoideae
tribus =Areceae
subtribus =Linospadicinae
genus = "Howea "
species = "H. forsteriana"
binomial = "Howea forsteriana"
binomial_authority = Becc.
range_map_caption = "H. forsteriana" is endemic toLord Howe Island
range_map_caption = "H. forsteriana" is endemic toLord Howe Island |The Kentia palm or Thatch palm ("Howea forsteriana") is endemic toLord Howe Island . It is also widely grown onNorfolk Island . Its "fronds" or leaves grow up to 3 metres long.The species is considered vulnerable by the
World Conservation Union . It is cultivated on Lord Howe Island by collecting wild seeds and germinating them for export worldwide as an ornamental garden or house plant. The trade in the seeds and seedlings is tightly regulated.The palm is an elegant plant, and is popular for growing indoors, requiring little light. Out of doors, it prefers a
tropical region but will also grow in a cooler climate, and can tolerate temperatures down to -5 °C, but only for a few hours; normal temperatures should not go below 10°. It grows readily outside in areas such as southernAustralia and northernNew Zealand , where it is fairly common in private gardens or as a street tree. In the Northern Hemisphere, it can be grown as far north as SW England, and grows well in the south ofSpain and the southernmost parts of theUSA , and will bearflower s andfruit . The coasts of the southeastern Azores and Madeira offer similar climates to its original habitat. It is slow growing, but will eventually reach heights of 6 to 18 metres. Under natural conditions, it grows as a solitary tree. Germination of the seeds is erratic.The closely related
Belmore sentry palm ("Howea belmoreana"), also endemic on Lord Howe Island, is a smaller species to 7 metres tall, found mainly as an understorey plant in moistforest s.References
* Listed as Vulnerable (VU D2 v2.3)
Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.