IPS may mean:
* Idiopathic postprandial syndrome
* In Plain Sight, a television dramedy that currently airs on USA Network
* Inches per second, the normal unit for quoting the speed of magnetic tape
* Indianapolis Public Schools
* Indoor Positioning System
* Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell
* Industrial and Provident Society
* Indy Pro Series, a form of motorsport
* Institute for Policy Studies
* Instituto Politécnico Superior (Rosario)
* Instructions per second, in microprocessors
* Integrated Publishing System
* Inter Press Service
* Intermittent Photic Stimulation, a diagnostic and investigative device used in medicine
* International Patching System
* International Peace and Security
* International Planetarium Society
* Internet Provider Security as in IPS TAG
* Interplanetary Superhighway
* Intraparietal sulcus, a region of the brain
* Intrusion-prevention system
* Invensys Process Systems, an enterprise technology, software and consulting firm
* Investment Policy Statement, Investment policy statement
* Invision Power Services
* IP addresses
* IPS Academy Indore
* Ips typographus, european spruce bark beetle
* Ipsco Inc, a North American based Steel Company
* Iron pipe size
* The Institute for the Psychological Sciences
* In the United States, Introductory Physical Science (a level of high-school science)
* In LCD Technology, in-plane switching
* In Canada, International Policy Statement
* In naval architecture, integrated power system
* In India, Indian Police Service
* In Israel, Israel Prison Service
* In the United Kingdom, Identity and Passport Service or IPS International, a training company
* On the television sitcom "The King of Queens", International Parcel Service (a fictional company based loosely on United Parcel Service UPS.)

Wikimedia Foundation. 2010.

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  • Ips — Beispiel: Ips typographus, Imago Systematik Ordnung: Käfer (Coleoptera) …   Deutsch Wikipedia

  • Ips — Pour les articles homonymes, voir IPS …   Wikipédia en Français

  • IPS — es un género de coleópteros IPS son las siglas de distintas organización e instituciones: El Instituto Politécnico Superior de Rosario (Argentina): Instituto dependiente de la Universidad Nacional de Rosario. Inter Press Service: una agencia de… …   Wikipedia Español

  • ips — ● ips nom masculin (grec ips, ver qui ronge le bois) Nom scientifique du bostryche des forestiers, petit scolyte cylindrique très prolifique, redoutable ennemi des conifères. ips [ips] n. m. ÉTYM. 1873, P. Larousse; lat. mod., grec ips « ver… …   Encyclopédie Universelle

  • ips — ˈips Etymology: New Latin Ip , Ips, from Greek ip , ips woodworm synonym of scolytus * * * inches per second. Also, i.p.s. * * * ips or IPS (no periods), inches per second …   Useful english dictionary

  • IPS — steht für: Eine Gattung von in Nadelhölzern lebenden Käfern, siehe Ips (Käfer) IPS steht für: Inter Press Service, eine internationale Nachrichtenagentur Idiopathisches Parkinson Syndrom, siehe Parkinson Krankheit In Plane Switching, siehe… …   Deutsch Wikipedia

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