- Giants series
"Giants Series" is a series of five
science fiction books by author James P. Hogan beginning in1977 . The story follows several scientists who discover how humans originated on a planet named Minerva which orbited theSol System between the orbits ofMars andJupiter . When Minerva was destroyed during a civil war a handful of people migrated from alunar colony toEarth and colonized it. The colonists' descendants soon forgot their technology and where their ancestors had come from and began our current view of history.Books in the Series
*"Inherit The Stars"
*"The Gentle Giants of Ganymede"
*"Giants' Star"
*"Mission To Minerva"Book Synopsis
Inherit The Stars
The Man on the Moon was Dead. They called him Charlie. He had big eyes, abundant body hair and fairly long nostrils. His skeletal body was found hidden in a rocky grave, clad in a bright red spacesuit. They didn't know who he was, how he got there...or what had killed him. All they knew was that his corpse was 50,000 years old...and that meant that this man had somehow lived long before he could have existed.
The Gentle Giants of Ganymede
The End of Exile. Long before the world of the Ganymeans blew apart, millennia ago, the strange race of giants had vanished. No one could discover their fate, nor where they had gone, nor why. There was only a wrecked ship, abandoned on a frozen satellite of Jupiter. And now Earth's scientists were there, determined to ferret out the secret of the lost race. Then suddenly, spinning out of the vastness of space and the immensity of time, a ship of the strange, humanoid giants returned. They brought with them answers that would alter all Mankind's knowledge of human origins and startling revelations from the past that would have biologic reverberations to the end of time....
Giants' Star
A Problem in Relativity. One: Eons ago, a gentle race of giant aliens fled the planet Minerva, leaving the ancestors of Man to fend for themselves. Two: fifty thousand years ago, Minerva exploded, hurling its moon into an orbit about Earth. Three: In the 21st Century, scientists Victor Hunt and Chris Danchekker, doing research on Ganymede, attract a small band of friendly aliens lost in time, who begin to reveal something of the origin of Mankind. Finally, Man thought he comprehended his place in the Universe...until he learned of the Watchers in the stars!
Human society on Jevlen was falling apart—and it looked as if JEVEX, the immense supercomputer that managed all Jevlenese affairs, was at the heart of the matter. Except that the problems didn't stop when JEVEX was shut down. People were changing—or being changed. It was almost as if the Jevlenese were being possessed... Meanwhile, in a very different universe, where magic worked and nothing physical was predictable, holy men caught glimpses of another place, a place where the shape of objects remained unchanged by motion, and cause led directly and logically to effect. And the best part was that when the heart was pure, the mind was focused, and circumstances were right, some lucky souls could actually make the transition to that other universe. If only they all could....
Mission To Minerva
The future looks favorable for Earth, as trade and knowledge flows back and forth between Earth and Thuria, the world the Giants colonized when they left the Solar System aeons ago. Then Dr. Victor Hunt received a phone call—and the face in the phone's video screen was an older version of himself, calling from a parallel world. That was the first step in bridging the gap between the parallel universes of the "multiverse." Unfortunately, it also meant that the enemies who had been decisively defeated in one universe might still be alive and dangerous in another, and could arrive in force at any time. And the possibility soon became a frightening reality....
Book Covers
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