LiLiPUT were a Swiss female post-punk/new wave band active from 1978 to 1983.


The group formed in 1978 under the name Kleenex, and soon made a name for themselves, until the threat of legal action by Kimberly-Clark in 1979 prompted a change of name to LiLiPUT (Kleenex being a proprietary brand of tampon in Switzerland). Their initial line-up consisted of Regula Sing (vocals), Marlene Marder (guitar), Klaudia Schiff (bass) and Lislot Ha (drums), and in the late 1970s the band recorded a number of successful singles prior to Sing's departure. In 1982, after playing together for four years, LiLiPUT released their first self-titled full-length LP on Rough Trade.

In 2001, Kill Rock Stars released a 46-track double-disc CD spanning five years of LiLiPUT's recordings, starting in 1978 when they were still under the name of Kleenex.


LiLiPUT's exuberant sound combined spirited thrashy post-punk with unconventional vocals and lyrics, both in English and German. Their music featured husky female vocals, crashing drums, raw guitar, saxphone, keyboards, and occasionally flute, violin, or other instruments. Their cheery, nonsensical lyrics and energetic, grrl-punk sound put them in a league with bands like The Raincoats (frequent tour partners), Delta 5, The Slits, Swell Maps, Essential Logic and Bush Tetras. The band's sound underwent a change throughout their career, due in part to line-up changes; the earlier recordings are more noisy and energetic, while the later songs are more complex and haunting.



*"Hedi's Head/Ain't You", 1978
*"You (Friendly Side)/Ü (Angry Side)", 1979
*"Die Matrosen/Split", 1980
*"Eisiger Wind", 1981
*"The Jatz/You Did It", 1983


*"Kleenex EP", 1978
*"LiLiPUT LP", 1982
*"Some Songs", 1983
*"Kleenex/LiLiPUT", 2001

ee also

* List of all-women bands
* All-women band
* Lilliput

External links

* [ "riot grrrl" label site]

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